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Auld Lang Syne. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.


Auld Lang Syne. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note.


Auld Lang Syne. And Other Classic Scottish Melodies. Arranged by Alexander L'Estrange. Choir Secular. For with Piano. 3-Part Mixed Choir. SAB. Book. Choral Collection. Faber Edition. Choral Basics. Secular. Published by Faber Music. AP.12-0571523471. ISBN 0571523471. Secular. The arrangement of the title song. Auld Lang Syne is a bit of a show-stopper with several other Scottish melodies woven in, and this is complemented by a beautiful adaptation of perhaps Scotlandâs most famous melody, The Skye Boat Song. The final song within this collection is Afton Water, first published or collected by Robbie Burns, the great Scottish poet - it is a gentle, lyrical hymn of praise both to the countryside and to Scotland itself. Choral Basics is a recently created series that offers straightforward and rewarding repertoire for the beginner choir. Perfect for singers of all ages, the series offers simple 3-part choral arrangements for soprano, alto and a combined male voice part. Consultant editor Alexander LâEstrange has brought together an array of repertoire including world music, spirituals, pop classics, show hits and original pieces. Carefully considered for the level, the arrangements pay particular attention to breathing, vocal ranges and technique whilst straightforward piano accompaniments support the vocal lines.


Auld Lang Syne. In druge Classic škotskih Melodije. Uredil Aleksander L'Otuđiti. Zbor sekularnih. Za z Piano. 3-Part Mešani pevski zbor. SAB. Knjiga. Zborovska Collection. Faber Edition. Zborovske Osnove. Sekularna. Izdala Faber Music. AP.12-0571523471. ISBN 0571523471. Sekularna. Razporeditev naslov pesmi. Auld Lang Syne je malo show-zamaškom s številnimi drugimi škotskimi melodij tkane v, in to je dopolnjeno z lepim prilagoditev morda Scotlandâs najbolj znane melodije, The Skye Boat Song. Končno pesem v tej zbirki je Afton Voda, prvič objavljena ali zbrane Robbie Burns, velikega škotskega pesnika - je nežna, lirična himna pohvale tako na podeželju in na Škotskem sam. Zborovske Basics je pred kratkim ustvaril serija, ki ponuja enostavno in nagrajevanje repertoar za začetnike zbor. Idealen za pevce vseh starosti, serija ponuja preproste ureditve 3-part zborovskih za sopran, alt in kombinirani moški glas delu. Svetovalec urednik Alexander LâEstrange je združil vrsto repertoar vključuje etno glasbe spiritualov, pop klasike, kažejo zadetkov in originalnih kosov. Skrbno upoštevati pri ravni, ureditev posebno pozornost nameniti dihanju, vokalnih razponih in tehnike, medtem ko enostavne klavirskih spremljav podpirajo vokalnih linij.
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