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Music of Turlough O'Carolan. Arranged for Fingerstyle Guitar. Fingerpicking Guitar sheet music.
Glasba Turlough O'Carolan. Urejena za Fingerstyle kitaro. Fingerpicking Guitar note.
Music of Turlough O'Carolan. Arranged for Fingerstyle Guitar. composed by Duck Baker. For Guitar. Fingerpicking. Boxed, Solos. Grossman Guitar Workshop. Celtic. Irish. Multiple Levels. DVD. Duration 84 minutes. Published by Grossman's Guitar Workshop. MB.GW926DVD. The compositions of Turlough O'Carolan, born 1670, have a special place in the story of Irish music, as does the figure of Carolan himself, a blind itinerant harper living at a time of significant change in Irish history. Carolan seems to embody the image of the old bards in whom resided the last vestiges of the ancient music, and the lost art of extempore poetry. His music is often seen as a link between traditional Irish melodies and baroque music, but more importantly it includes some of the most striking melodies ever composed. Originally written for the harp, these compositions lend themselves perfectly to the fingerstyle guitarist. In this DVD lesson, Duck Baker teaches a wide variety of Carolan pieces, from the folk-like air Blind Mary to the stately Hewlett. The mysterious Planxty Kelly and the deeply melodic The Fairy Queen are presented, as well as Carolan's Concerto, a complex folk-baroque arrangement of the bard's most celebrated composition. A detailed tab. Blind Mary. Carolan's Concerto. Hewlett. Planxty Irwin. Planxty Kelly. The Fairy Queen.
Glasba Turlough O'Carolan. Urejena za Fingerstyle kitaro. ki ga sestavljajo Duck Baker. Za kitaro. Fingerpicking. V embalaži, Solos. Grossman Guitar Workshop. Celtic. Irski. Več ravneh. DVD. Trajanje 84 minut. Izdala Grossman je Guitar Workshop. MB.GW926DVD. Sestavki v Turlough O'Carolan, rojen 1670, ima posebno mesto v zgodbi irsko glasbo, tako kot figura Carolan sam, slepo potujočo Harper, ki živi v času znatnih sprememb v irski zgodovini. Carolan zdi, da uteleša podobo starih bards pri katerih prebivajo zadnje ostanke antične glasbe in izgubljeno umetnost hkratne poezije. Njegova glasba je pogosto videti kot povezava med tradicionalne irske melodije in baročne glasbe, vendar je še pomembneje, da vsebuje nekatere od najbolj osupljivih melodij kdajkoli sestavljajo. Prvotno napisana za harfo, te skladbe mogoča popolnoma na Fingerstyle kitarist. V tej lekciji DVD, Duck Baker uči različnih Carolan kosov, od-folk kot zrak Blind Mary na Veličasten Hewlett. Skrivnostna Planxty Kelly in globoko melodični Fairy Queen so predstavljene, kakor tudi Carolan koncerta, kompleksno folk-baročna ureditev najslavnejših sestave Bard je. Podroben tab. Blind Mary. Carolan Koncert. Hewlett. Planxty Irwin. Planxty Kelly. Fairy Queen.