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TAB Licks -- Heavy Metal. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music.Prevod
TAB Licks - Heavy Metal. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note.Originalno
TAB Licks -- Heavy Metal. A Fun and Easy Way to Play Heavy Metal Guitar Licks. Composed by Steve Hall and Ron Manus. For Guitar. Guitar Method or Supplement. Method. Instruction. Metal. Rock. Book. 48 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.4401. ISBN 0739026461. Metal. Rock. Contains over 90 essential licks in the styles of your favorite guitarists. Each chapter covers a different style of metal and contains a brief history. introduction, as well as playing and listening suggestions. Music is written in both standard notation and tablature allowing the beginner or the experienced guitarist to take full advantage of the material.Prevod
TAB Licks - Heavy Metal. Zabava in enostaven način igranja Heavy Metal Guitar liže. V sestavi Steve Hall in Ron Manujema. Za kitaro. Guitar Method ali Dodatek. Metoda. Navodila. Metal. Rock. Knjiga. 48 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.4401. ISBN 0739026461. Metal. Rock. Vsebuje več kot 90 bistvenih liže v slogi najljubših kitaristov vaših. Vsako poglavje zajema različne slog kovine in vsebuje kratko zgodovino. uvod, kot tudi igranje in poslušanje predlogi. Glasba je napisana tako standardno notacijo in tablature omogoča začetnik ali izkušen kitarist, da v celoti izkoristijo materiala.Največkrat iskano