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French Suites, BWV 812-817. Johann Sebastian Bach. Harpsichord sheet music.


Francoska Suites, BWV 812-817. Johann Sebastian Bach. Čembalo note.


French Suites, BWV 812-817 composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. 1685-1750. For Harpsichord. Music Sales America. Baroque. 68 pages. Edition Wilhelm Hansen #WH27252. Published by Edition Wilhelm Hansen. HL.14003113. ISBN 8759853573. Baroque. 8.5x11.75 inches. The French Suites were written in 1722. But it was not until Bach biographer Johann Forkel prepared an edition in the early nineteenth century that the pieces became known by the collective title French. It is true that Bach gave each of the dance movements a French title, but it was Forkel who declared that they were 'written in the French taste, with an emphasis on tunefulness and consonant harmony rather than German structure and counterpoint'. Suite No. 1 in D minor, BWV 812. Suite No. 2 in C minor, BWV 813. Suite No. 3 in B minor, BWV 814. Suite No. 4 in E-flat major, BWV 815. Suite No. 5 in G major, BWV 816. Suite No. 6 in E major, BWV 817.


Francoski Suites, BWV 812-817 sestavljajo Johanna Sebastiana Bacha. 1685-1750. Za čembalo. Glasba prodaje America. Baročna. 68 strani. Издание Вильгельм Хансен. Izdala Edition Wilhelm Hansen. HL.14003113. ISBN 8759853573. Baročna. 8.5x11.75 cm. Francoski Suites bila napisana leta 1722. Vendar ni bilo do Bach Johann biograf Forkel pripravil številko v začetku devetnajstega stoletja, da so kosi postal znan s kolektivno naslovu francoskega. Res je, da Bach dal vsak od plesnih gibov francoski naslov, vendar je bilo Forkel ki je izjavil, da so "napisana v francoskem okusu, s poudarkom na tunefulness in soglasnika harmoniji namesto nemškega strukture in kontrapunkt". Apartma številka 1 v d-molu, BWV 812. Suite No 2 v c-molu, BWV 813. Suite No 3 v h-molu, BWV 814. Suite No. 4 v E-duru, BWV 815. Suite No. 5 v G-duru, BWV 816. Suite No. 6 E velikega, BWV 817.
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