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100 Essential Irish Session Tunes. Beginning.Prevod
100 Eterična Irski Studijski Tunes. Začetek.Originalno
100 Essential Irish Session Tunes composed by Dave Mallinson. For Acoustic Instruments. Songbook. Mally's Presents. Celtic. Irish. Beginning-Intermediate. Compact Disc. Published by Dave Mallinson Publications. MB.AM401C. These popular Irish tunes have been produced as a companion soundtrack to the book of the same title. Featuring Dave Mallinson on Castagnari melodeons, Paul Flannery on piano, Sara Mallinson on piano, Allistair Russell on guitar and Mark Mawby on guitar. Some titles include. The Old copperplate, Maud Miller, The Earl's Chair, The Green Gates, Tom Billy's and many more. All Around The World. Banish Misfortune. Behind The Haystack. Bobby Casey's. Boys Of Ballysodare. Buttermilk Mary. Christmas Eve. Connaught Man's Rambles. Cooley's. Dick Gossip. Donnybrook Fair. Dusty Windowsills. Faral O'Gara. Farewell To Connaught. Farewell To Ireland. Father Kelly's. Gravel Walk. Green Fields of Rossbeigh. Humours of Ballyconnell. Humours Of Glendart. Jackie Coleman's. Jenny's Chicken. Killarney Boys Of Pleasure. Lady Anne Montgomery. Langstrom's Pony. Lannigan's Ball. Maid Behind the Bar. Martin Wynne's no. Martin Wynne's No. 2. Maud Miller. Mcmahon's. Miss Monaghan. Morrison's. My Darling Asleep. Nine Points Of Roguery. Out On The Ocean. Over The Moor To Maggie. Paddy Clancy's. Rakish Paddy. Roaring Mary. Saint Anne's Reel. Sally Gardens. Scotsman Over The Border. Ships Are Sailing. Shores of Lough Gowna. Sixpenny Money. The Bank Of Ireland. The Battering Ram. The Bird In The Bush. The Blarney Pilgrim. The Boyne Hunt. The Bucks Of Oranmore. The Chicago. The Cliffs of Moher. The Concertina Reel. The Congress. The Convenience. The Cup of Tea. The Doon. The Drunken Landlady. The Earl's Chair. The Flogging. The Foxhunter's Reel. The Glass of Beer. The Green Gates. The High Reel. The Humours of Tulla. The Hunter's Purse. The Kesh. The Knotted Cord. The Lark In The Morning. The Lilting Banshee. The Longford Collector. The Longford Spinster. The Morning Dew. The Mountain Road. The Mug Of Brown Ale. The Musical Priest. The Old Bush. The Old Copperplate. The Pigeon On The Gate. The Pinch of Snuff. The Providence. The Sailor's Bonnet. The Salamanca. The Shaskeen. The Ship In Full Sail. The Silver Spear. The Silver Spire. The Skylark. The Sligo Maid. The Star Of Munster. The Tar Road To Sligo. The Tarbolton. Tom Billy's. Toss the Feathers No. 1. Toss the Feathers NO. 2. Trip To Durrow. Tripping Upstairs. Wind That Shakes The Barley.Prevod
100 Essential irski Sejni Tunes sestavljene Dave Mallinson. Za akustičnih inštrumentov. Songbook. Darila Mally je. Celtic. Irski. Začetek-Intermediate. Compact Disc. Objavljeno Dave Mallinson publikacije. MB.AM401C. Te priljubljene irske melodije so bili proizvedeni kot spremljevalec soundtrack za knjigo z istim naslovom. Poleg Dave Mallinson na Castagnari melodeons, Paul Flannery na klavir, Sara Mallinson na klavirju, Allistair Russell na kitari in Mark Mawby na kitari. Nekateri naslovi vsebujejo. Stara bakrene, Maud Miller, predsednik grof je, Green Gates, Tom Billy je in še veliko več. All Around The World. Pregnati nesrečo. Behind senu. Bobby Casey. Boys Of Ballysodare. Pinjenec Mary. Božični večer. Connaught Človekova sprehode. Cooley je. Dick Gossip. Donnybrook Fair. Prašni Okenske. FARAL O'Gara. Zbogom, Connaught. Poslovili Irskem. Oče Kelly. Gramozna Walk. Green Fields of Rossbeigh. Humours za Ballyconnell. Humours Of Glendart. Jackie Coleman je. Jenny piščanec. Killarney Boys užitka. Lady Anne Montgomery. Langstrom je Pony. Lannigan Ball. Maid za šankom. Martin Wynne je ni. Martin Wynne je številka 2. Maud Miller. McMahon je. Miss Monaghan. Morrison je. My Darling Spi. Devet Točke Roguery. Na oceanu. Over The Moor Maggie. Paddy Clancy je. Raspušten Paddy. Bučanje Mary. Saint Anne Roll. Sally Gardens. Škot čez mejo. Ladje so jadranje. Obalah Lough Gowna. Sixpenny Denar. Bank of Ireland. Oblegovalni oven. Bird v grmu. Blarney Pilgrim. Boyne Hunt. V Bucks Of Oranmore. Chicago. Cliffs of Moher. Concertina Roll. Kongres. Udobje. Skodelica čaja. Doon. Drunken Landlady. Predsednik grof je. Bičanje. Reel v Foxhunter je. Kozarcu piva. Green Gates. Visoka Roll. V Humours za Tulla. Lovec na zaporno. Kesh. Pletene Cord. Lark v jutranjem. Lilting Banshee. Longford Collector. Longford samska. Morning Dew. Mountain Road. Skodelica rjavega Ale. Musical Priest. Old Bush. Stara bakrene. Pigeon na vratih. Ščepec njuhanje. Providence. Mornar je Bonnet. Salamanca. Shaskeen. Ladja V polnimi jadri. Silver Spear. Silver Spire. Ševa. Sligo Maid. Star Of Munster. Tar Road To Sligo. Tarbolton. Tom Billy je. Kretnjo perje številka 1. Kretnjo Feathers NO. 2. Izlet na Durrow. Spotikanja Upstairs. Veter, ki trese ječmen.Največkrat iskano