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No Reading Required - Easy Blues Guitar Licks. DVD. Electric Guitar sheet music.


Ne Obvezno branje - Easy Blues Guitar Licks. DVD. Electric Guitar note.


No Reading Required - Easy Blues Guitar Licks. DVD. Easy Blues Guitar Licks. Edited by Wayne Riker. For guitar. Guitar DVD. Method. Instruction. No Reading Required. Blues and Technique. Instructional video. DVD. Published by Alfred Music. AP.23225. ISBN 0739037943. Blues and Technique. Easy Blues Guitar Licks shows you essential blues riffs, licks and phrases. You'll learn blues rhythm guitar patterns, left-hand techniques. including slides, trills, hammer-ons, pull-offs, vibrato and bending. , and right-hand techniques such as sweep picking and pick attack. This DVD also includes a basic analysis of solos and covers the 12-bar blues form. Finally, you can learn cool licks, riffs, songs, and grooves - in a variety of styles- just by watching and doing. When there is no reading required, a new world is opened to all of us who love music, want to learn a lot more, but donÃ. t have time for all the standard music notation and theory. Countless musicians have learned this way from friends, family and teachers. But now, with this exciting new video series, you can learn from the pros in an easy-going and fun way. With this DVD series, learning music has never been so quick, exciting or enjoyable.


Ne Obvezno branje - Easy Blues Guitar Licks. DVD. Easy Blues Guitar Licks. Uredil Wayne Rikerju. Za kitaro. Guitar DVD. Metoda. Navodila. Ni obvezno branje. Blues in tehnika. Poučni video. DVD. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.23225. ISBN 0739037943. Blues in tehnika. Easy Blues Guitar Licks vam prikazuje bistvene blues riffi, liže in besedne zveze. Izvedeli boste, blues ritem vzorcev kitaro, levo-ročne tehnike. vključno s tobogani, trills, kladivo-ons, Pull-off, vibrato in krivljenje. , In na desni strani tehnike, kot so sweep obiranje in pick napad. Ta DVD vključuje tudi osnovno analizo solističnih in zajema blues obrazcu 12-bar. Končno, boste lahko izvedeli kul lizalice, refren, pesmi in utorov - v različnih stilov, samo z gledanjem in delaš. Ko ni branje potrebna, je nov svet odprt za vse nas, ki radi glasbo, želim, da se naučijo veliko več, vendar Dona. t imeti čas za vse standardne glasbene notacije in teorije. Številni glasbeniki so se naučili na ta način od prijateljev, družine in učitelje. Toda zdaj, s tem vznemirljivem novem video serije, ki jih lahko učijo od profesionalcev na enostaven poteka in zabaven način. S tem DVD serije, učenje glasbe še nikoli ni bilo tako hitro, zanimivo ali zabavno.
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