Partiture $2.05
Wenn Es Meines Gottes Wille. Johann Sebastian Bach. Choir sheet music. Organ Accompaniment sheet music. Advanced.
Če se bo moj bog. Johann Sebastian Bach. Zbor note. Organski Spremljava note. Napredno.
Wenn Es Meines Gottes Wille. If My God Today Shall Will It. Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. 1685-1750. Arranged by James Mansfield. For SATB choir. with optional flute, organ. Prima Cantate Series. Sacred Anthem. Moderately difficult. Octavo. Published by Roger Dean Publishing. LO.HRD351. From Cantata No. 161 this moving chorus of peace and repose reflects the belief. in Bach's time. that death no longer. as during the Middle Ages. held mankind in fear and terror.
Če se bo moj bog. Če Ali Bog danes, da bo. Sestavljajo Johanna Sebastiana Bacha. 1685-1750. Uredil James Mansfield. Za SATB zbor. z opcijskim flavto, orgle. Pred Sing Series. Sacred Anthem. Srednje zahtevna. Osma. Objavljeno Roger Dean Založništvo. LO.HRD351. Od kantata No 161. To premikanje zbor miru in oddiha izraža prepričanje. V času Bachovega. da smrt ni več. kot v srednjem veku. držijo človeštvo v strahu in groze.