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Prologue. instrumental. from "The Kings" - ACT 1. Song 1. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.
Predigra. instrumentalna. od Kings - ACT 1. Song 1. Piano Solo note. Vmesna.
Prologue. instrumental. from "The Kings" - ACT 1. Song 1 composed by McCorkle, Dennis F.. For Piano. Contemporary Christian,Jewish,Broadway,Musicals,Rock. Intermediate. Piano Reduction. Published by DF McCorkle Music and eBook Publications. S0.39509. ACT ONE. Song One. "The King," by Dennis McCorkle, is a contemporary pop-rock musical of the first two kings of Israel, Saul ben Kish and David ben Jesse and explores the contrasting lives and outcome of each man’s choices in life. 2 Samuel 23. 1 - “1 Now these are the last words of David. Thus speaks David the son of Jessie, thus speaks the man raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, the sweet melodyist of Israel. “Prologue”. The curtain rises on the main room of the King’s palace in Jerusalem where the funeral service for King DAVID is being held. The eulogy recounts the life of David and his kingship over Israel that had begun over eighty years prior. A time when there were no kings in Israel except for their God, a time when the Judges governed the people and a time when SAMUEL, an elderly Prophet of God and last Judge, turned his position as Judge over to his two sons. Self-serving and motivated by greed and self-importance, his sons choose paths that were contrary to their father. “A Little Bit Here and a Little Bit There”. Also included with your order is our new 20 page catalog of over 150 titles at no additional charge. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.
Predigra. instrumentalna. od Kings - ACT 1. Song 1 sestavljajo McCorkle, Dennis F.. Za klavir. Sodobna krščanska, judovska, Broadway, muzikali Rock. Vmesna. Piano Zmanjšanje. Izdala DF McCorkle glasbo in eBook publikacije. S0.39509. ACT ONE. Song One. "The King," by Dennis McCorkle, is a contemporary pop-rock musical of the first two kings of Israel, Saul ben Kish and David ben Jesse and explores the contrasting lives and outcome of each man’s choices in life. 2 Samuel 23. 1 - “1 Now these are the last words of David. Thus speaks David the son of Jessie, thus speaks the man raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, the sweet melodyist of Israel. Prolog. Zavesa se dviga na glavni sobi v Kraljevi palači v Jeruzalemu, kjer se je potekala pogrebna služba za kralja Davida. Pohvala pripoveduje o življenju Davida in njegovo kraljevanje nad Izraelom, ki so se začeli v osemdesetih letih pred. Čas, ko ni bilo nobenih kralji v Izraelu, razen svojega Boga, v času, ko so sodniki ureja ljudi in čas, ko SAMUEL, starejše prerok Boga in zadnjim sodnikom, obrnil položaj kot sodnik v njegovih dveh sinov. Egoistične in motivirano s pohlepom in samo-pomembnosti, njegovi sinovi izbirajo poti, ki so v nasprotju s svojim očetom. A Little Bit Tu in Mali Bit There. Vključeni tudi naročilo je naša nova stran 20 katalog z več kot 150 naslovov brez doplačila. Digitalni tisk je mogoče natisniti glasba voljo stanja kadarkoli in kjerkoli. Samo nakup, tiskanje in predvajanje. Oglejte si vašo spletno note doma, v šoli, na delu ali kjerkoli imate računalnik, povezan z internetom. Uporabite naš iPad aplikacijo za ogled digitalnega note na poti. Z digitalnim tiskom lahko natisnete svoje digitalne not takoj po nakupu, ali počakati, dokler njegova priročno. In naša namestitev programske opreme je enostavno - vam bomo vodil skozi preproste korake, da poskrbite, da imate Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR in ponjave aplikacij Music Plus AIR.