
Partiture $65.00


Come Fly With Me. Voice sheet music. Advanced.


Come Fly With Me. Voice note. Napredno.


Come Fly With Me by Frank Sinatra With Count Basie. Edited by Jon Harpin. Arranged by Quincy Jones. For big band with vocal. Swing. Difficult. Full score and set of parts. Published by Lush Life. JL.LL-2023. This is Frank Sinatra at his best. This chart is a transcription of Sinatra with the Count Basie Band, taken from Sinatra at the Sands. It features the original band into - big, punchy and nearly a minute long - giving you time for a big introduction to your vocalist. The chart is also marked with an optional start point, just before the vocal, should you wish to shorten things. We have removed a couple of muted trumpet fills here and there, to keep things cleaner. There are some sax doubles. Altos go to Clarinets and Tenors to Flutes. These doubles add color to the voicings though are not vital to the chart. So if your Tenor players are fluteless don't worry too much. The vocal is in Bb, with a range from Bb to D. one octave and 3 tones. and has been written out to give your vocalist a good feel of Sinatra's phrasing. All in all this chart is exceptional. Trumpets 1-4 G6, E6, C6, Ab5 Trombones 1-4 Bb4, G4, F4, Db4 Vocal Baritone Bb2 to D4. one octave and 3 tones.


Come Fly With Me Frank Sinatra Z Count Basie. Uredil Jon Harpin. Urejene po Quincy Jones. Za big band z vokalno. Swing. Težko. Polna rezultat in sklop delov. Izdala Lush življenja. JL.LL-2023. To je Frank Sinatra na njegov najboljši. Ta grafikon je prepis Sinatra z grofa Basie Band, vzeta iz Sinatra na Sands. Ima original bend v - velik, živahen in skoraj minuto dolga -, ki vam daje čas za velik uvod v vašem vokalist. Shema je označena tudi z dodatnim začetni točki, tik preden vokal, bi želeli skrajšati stvari. Odstranili smo nekaj neslišne trobento napolni tu in tam, da se stvari čistejše. Obstaja nekaj sax dvojice. Altos pojdite na klarineta in tenorji do flavte. Te dvojice dodati barvo za voicings čeprav niso bistvenega pomena za grafikon. Torej, če so vaše Tenor igralci fluteless ne skrbite preveč. Vokal je v Bb, z razponom od BB D. eno oktavo in 3 tone. in je bilo napisano, da vaš vokalist dober občutek Sinatra je fraziranje. Vse v vsem tem grafikonu je izjemna. Trobente 1-4 G6, E6, C6, AB5 pozavne 1-4 BB4, G4, F4, DB4 Vocal bariton bb2 do D4. eno oktavo in 3 tone.
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