
Partiture $59.00


Vintage Dry.


Vintage Dry.


Vintage Dry. Addictive Drums ADpak. Software. CD-ROM. Hal Leonard #XLN1060SN. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.125476. The 1970s were a golden era for rock, disco, funk and just about any style that relied on a solid backbeat. The drums were dry, fat and crisp. And it was good. Today, there is a popular revival of that '70s sound by chart-topping contemporary artists like Daft Punk, Miike Snow and Justice. You too can have these glorious drum sounds with our Vintage Dry ADPak. The Vintage Dry ADpak features a 1968 Ludwig Silver Sparkle kit with era-appropriate Zildjian and Sabian cymbals. To provide a punchier disco sound, we've also included a Sonor Phonic kick and snare.


Vintage Dry. Addictive Drums ADpak. Programska oprema. CD-ROM. Hal Leonard. HL.125476. V 1970 je bilo zlato obdobje za rock, disco, funk in skoraj vsaka slog, ki se sklicuje na trdni Backbeat. Bobni so bili suha, debela in hrustljava. In to je bila dobra. Danes je priljubljeno oživljanje That '70s zvoka, ki ga chart-prehiteli sodobnih umetnikov, kot so Daft Punk, Miike Snow in pravosodje. Tudi vi lahko to slavno boben zveni z našo Vintage Dry ADPak. Vintage Dry ADpak ima 1968 Ludwig Silver Sparkle komplet s projekti ERA-primerno Zildjian in Sabian činele. Zagotoviti punchier disko zvok, smo vključeni tudi SONOR Phonic strel in snare.
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