Partiture $4.50
The Great Northwest. Dennis Alexander. Piano Solo sheet music. Advanced.Prevod
Great Northwest. Dennis Alexander. Piano Solo note. Napredno.Originalno
The Great Northwest composed by Dennis Alexander. For Piano. Piano Suite. Piano Supplemental. Recital Suite Series. Late Intermediate level piece for the Piano Solo event with the National Federation of Music Clubs. NFMC. Festivals Bulletin 2008-2009-2010. SMP Level 7. Late Intermediate. NFMC Level. Moderately Difficult Class 2. Sheet. 12 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.23248. The natural beauty and majesty of the Northwest is portrayed with rich chords, lyrical melodies, syncopated rhythms, lively tempos and changing meters. 4 to 5-note chords in both hands and scales in octaves in both hands. Appaloosa Spirit. Many Glacier Arioso. The Magnificent Cascades. Travelin' the Oregon Trail.Prevod
Great Northwest sestavljena iz Dennis Alexander. Za klavir. Piano Suite. Dodatni načrt. Uvodna izjava Suite Series. Pozna Vmesna raven kos za klavir solo dogodek z nacionalne zveze glasbenih klubov. NFMC. Festivali Bilten 2008-2009-2010. SMP Raven 7. Pozna Intermediate. NFMC Raven. Srednje zahtevna 2. razred. Pločevine. 12 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.23248. Naravne lepote in veličanstvo Northwest je upodobil z bogatimi akordi, liričnih melodij sinkopiranih ritmov, živahnih ritmih in spreminjajoče metrov. 4. in 5.-note akordi v obeh rokah in lestvic v oktavah v obeh rokah. Appaloosa Spirit. Veliko Glacier arioso. Magnificent Cascades. Travelin "Oregon Trail.Največkrat iskano