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Bruce Springsteen -- High Hopes. Bruce Springsteen. Guitar sheet music.


Bruce Springsteen - High Hopes. Bruce Springsteen. Kitara note.


Bruce Springsteen -- High Hopes. Guitar Songbook Edition. By Bruce Springsteen. For Guitar. This edition. Guitar Songbook Edition. Artist. Personality. Book. Guitar Personality. Rock. 80 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.42660. ISBN 1470615282. Rock. Bruce Springsteen's new album, High Hopes, debuted at No. 1 in the United States and in nine other countries. It reached No. 1 in 30 countries on the iTunes album charts. This album-matching folio contains guitar songbook arrangements with guitar TAB and separate lyric pages for each of the 12 songs on the album. Titles. High Hopes. Harry's Place. American Skin. 41 Shots. Just Like Fire Would. Down in the Hole. Heaven's Wall. Frankie Fell in Love. This Is Your Sword. Hunter of Invisible Game. The Ghost of Tom Joad. The Wall. Dream Baby Dream.


Bruce Springsteen - High Hopes. Kitara Songbook Edition. Bruce Springsteen. Za kitaro. Ta izdaja. Kitara Songbook Edition. Umetnik. Osebnost. Knjiga. Kitara Osebnost. Rock. 80 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.42660. ISBN 1470615282. Rock. Novi album Bruce Springsteen je, High Hopes, prvi nastop na številka 1 v Združenih državah Amerike in v devetih drugih državah. Dosegel je številka 1 v 30 državah na lestvice najbolje prodajanih albumov iTunes. Ta album ujemanje folio vsebuje dogovore kitara pesmarica s kitaro TAB in samostojne liričnih straneh za vsako od 12 pesmi na albumu. Naslovi. High Hopes. Harryjeva Kraj. Ameriški Skin. 41 Shots. Just Like Fire Bi. Navzdol v luknjo. Heaven zid. Frankie Fell in Love. To je tvoj meč. Hunter Invisible igre. Ghost Tom Joad. Wall. Dream Baby Dream.
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