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Horror Films FAQ.


Horror Films FAQ.


Horror Films FAQ. All That's Left to Know About Slashers, Vampires, Zombies, Aliens, and More. FAQ. Softcover. 386 pages. Published by Applause Books. HL.315537. ISBN 1557839506. 6x9 inches. Horror Films FAQ explores a century of ghoulish and grand horror cinema, gazing at the different characters, situations, settings, and themes featured in the horror film, from final girls, monstrous bogeymen, giant monsters and vampires to the recent torture porn and found footage formats. The book remembers the J-Horror remake trend of the 2000s, and examines the oft-repeated slasher format popularized by John Carpenter's Halloween. 1978. and Friday the 13th. 1980. After an introduction positioning the horror film as an important and moral voice in the national dialogue, the book explores the history of horror decade by decade, remembering the women's liberation horrors of the 1970s, the rubber reality films of the late 1980s, the serial killers of the 1990s, and the xenophobic terrors of the 9. 11 age. Horror Films FAQ also asks what it means when animals attack in such films as The Birds. 1963. or Jaws. 1975. , and considers the moral underpinnings of rape-and-revenge movies, such as I Spit on Your Grave. 1978. and Irreversible. 2002. The book features numerous photographs from the author's extensive personal archive, and also catalogs the genre's most prominent directors.


Horror Films FAQ. Vse, kar je ostalo, je treba vedeti o slashers, vampirji, zombiji, tujce, in še več. Pogosta vprašanja. Mehko prekrivalo. 386 strani. Izdala Aplavz Knjige. HL.315537. ISBN 1557839506. 6x9 cm. Horror Films FAQ raziskuje stoletja morbidno in grand horror kinematografiji, gleda na različnih likov, situacij, nastavitve in teme pokaže v grozljivki, od končnih dekleta, pošastnih bogeymen, velikan pošasti in vampirjev do nedavnega torture porn in našel posnetkov formati. Knjiga se spominja J-Horror remake trend v letu 2000, in preučuje večkrat ponovljeno format Slasher populariziral s Johna Carpenterja Noč čarovnic. 1978. in petek 13.. 1980. Po uvodu pozicioniranje horror film kot pomemben in moralno glas v nacionalnem dialogu, knjiga raziskuje zgodovino grozljivk desetletju desetletju, se spomnimo osvoboditvi grozote žensk iz leta 1970, gume resničnost filme iz poznih 1980-ih, serijske morilce leta 1990, in ksenofobičnih grozot v 9.. Starost 11. Horror Films FAQ tudi sprašuje, kaj to pomeni, ko se živali napad v filmih, kot so The Birds. 1963. ali Jaws. 1975. , In meni, moralnih temeljev posilstva in-maščevanje filmi, kot so I Spit on Your Grave. 1978. in Irreversible. 2002. The book features numerous photographs from the author's extensive personal archive, and also catalogs the genre's most prominent directors.