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Basic Rock Beats - Joel Rothman. Drums sheet music. Percussion sheet music.
Osnovni Rock Beats - Joel Rothman. Bobni note. Tolkala note.
Basic Rock Beats - Joel Rothman composed by Joel Rothman. For drums. Book. Published by Joel Rothman Publications. JR.JRP01. Here's a summary of common patterns which can be used as beats for rock music. This is especially good for beginning students who want a short cut to the heart of the topic.
Osnovna Rock Beats - Joel Rothman sestavljeno Joel Rothman. Za bobne. Knjiga. Objavljeno Joel Rothman publikacije. JR.JRP01. Tukaj je povzetek skupne vzorce, ki se lahko uporablja kot bije za rock glasbo. To je še posebej dobro za študente, ki želijo začnejo bližnjico do srca teme.