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Complete Music for the Fife and Drum. Percussion sheet music.


Complete Music za Fife in Drum. Tolkala note.


Complete Music for the Fife and Drum composed by Walter D. Sweet. For Fife. Perfect binding, Solos. Complete. All Styles. Multiple Levels. Book. 106 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.95483. ISBN 9780786605224. All Styles. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. A collection of 78 tunes containing some Civil War selections as well as many other traditional favorites. Each arrangement features harmony, style marks and guitar chords. The music is supplemented with histories of the tunes and drumbeats. Complete Music for Fife and Drum was compiled by a professional fifer and is intended for the military fife in B-flat. This book offers tunes from the Revolutionary and Civil War eras with suggested snare and bass drum parts as well as chord progressions. It also contains a wealth of fife history and resources. Connecticut Halftime. Essence Of Tampa. Rally 'Roung The Flag. Scotty O'neil. Westbrook Drum Corps. Fifty Cents. Garry Owen. Blue & The Gray. Firemen's Quickstep. Guidon. Not On Cd. Jaybird. Moon And Seven Stars. Northwest Passage. Road to Boston. Wrecker's Daughter. Army Six-Eight. East Hampton Fifes And Drums. Finnegan's Wake. Oyster River Hornpipe. Paddy O'toole. Yellow Rose Of Texas. Cloverdale Jig. Green Cockade. Haversack. Lakes Of Sligo. Old Dan Tucker. Six-Shooter. Col. Robertson's Welcome. Just Before The Battle, Mother. Katy Hill. Long March. Nancy Hanks. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Chicken Reel. Drums And Guns. Goober Peas. Granny, Will Your Dog Bite. Inimitable. Marching Through Georgia. Paddy On A Handcar. When Johnny Comes Marching Home. Columbia, The Gem Of The Ocean. The General. The Powder Keg. Not On Cd. British Grenadiers. Girl I Left Behind. Hell On The Wabash. Sailor's Hornpipe. Three Hundred Years. Grandfather's Clock. Plain Six-Eight. York Fusiliers. Eighteen-Twelve. Hashup. Jefferson And Liberty. Pumpkin Creek. Tearful Drummer. Village Quickstep. Caledonia. Crown Point. Downfall Of Paris. Irish Reel. Old Saybrook. Sisters. St. Patrick's Day In The Morning. Turkey In The Straw. Blackberry Quadrille. City Guards. Dixie. Fancy Six-Eight. Martin's Rattler. Some Distance From Prussia. Steamboat Quickstep. Wearin' of the Green. Willie Weaver. Yankee Doodle. Ancient And Honorable Artillery. Arkansas Traveler. Army Two-Four. Eighth Volunteers. Harum Scarum. Minstrel Boy. Pig Town Fling. Sailing Masters Of 1812. Tallewan. New Tatter Jack. Nutmeg Volunteers. Pet Of The Pipers. Tapoff. Not On Cd. Bonnie Blue Flag. Father O'Flynn. Frog In The Well. Huntington. Kingdom Coming. Monumental Two-Four. Star-Spangled Banner. Stonewall Jackson's Way.


Complete Music za Fife in boben sestavljajo Walter D. Sweet. Za Fife. Popolna vezava, Solos. Complete. Vse Styles. Več ravneh. Knjiga. 106 strani. Izdala Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.95483. ISBN 9780786605224. Vse Styles. 8,75 x 11,75 cm. Zbirka 78 skladb, ki vsebujejo nekatere državljanske vojne izbire, kot tudi mnoge druge tradicionalne priljubljene. Vsaka ureditev ima mir, sloga oznak in akordov. Glasba je dopolnjena z zgodovino melodije in drumbeats. Popolna glasba za Fife in boben je sestavil strokovni fifer in je namenjen za vojaško fife v B-flat. Ta knjiga ponuja melodije iz revolucionarnih in državljanske vojne obdobij s predlagano snare in bas boben dela, kot tudi akordov. Vsebuje tudi veliko zgodovine in virov Fife. Connecticut ob polčasu. Essence Of Tampa. Rally 'Roung Zastava. Scotty O'Neil. Westbrook Drum Corps. Petdeset centov. Garry Owen. Modra. Quickstep gasilske. Krmilo. Ni na CD-ju. Jaybird. Moon in sedem Stars. Northwest Passage. Pot do Bostona. Hči je Razoritelj. Army Six-Eight. East Hampton Fifes In Drums. Finnegan je Wake. Oyster River Hornpipe. Paddy O'Toole. Yellow Rose of Texas. Cloverdale Jig. Zelena Kokarda. Haversack. Jezerih Sligo. Old Dan Tucker. Six-Shooter. Col Robertson Dobrodošli. Tik pred bitko, Mother. Katy Hill. Long March. Nancy Hanks. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Battle Hymn Republike. Piščanec Roll. Bobni in pištole. Goober Grah. Babica, bo vaš pes Bite. Neponovljivi. Korakali skozi Gruzijo. Paddy Na Handcar. Ko Johnny Comes Marching Domov. Columbia, Gem oceana. Splošno. Sod smodnika. Ni na CD-ju. Britanski grenadirji. Dekle, ki sem Left Behind. Hell On The Wabash. Hornpipe mornarski. Tristo let. Ura dedka. Plain Six-Eight. York Fusiliers. Osemnajst-Twelve. Hashup. Jefferson In Liberty. Pumpkin Creek. Jokav Drummer. Village Quickstep. Caledonia. Crown Point. Propad Parizu. Irski Roll. Old Saybrook. Sisters. Dan svetega Patrika v dopoldanskem času. Turčija v Straw. Blackberry četvorka. Mestne Guards. Dixie. Fancy Six-Eight. Martina Klepetuša. Daleč od Prusije. Steamboat Quickstep. Nosil v Green. Willie Weaver. Yankee Doodle. Starodavni in častno Artillery. Arkansas Traveler. Army Two-Four. Osmega Prostovoljci. Harum Scarum. Pevec Boy. Prašičja Town romanca. Jadranje Masters Of 1812. Tallewan. New Tatter Jack. Muškatni orešček Prostovoljci. Ljubimka piskačev. Tapoff. Ni na CD-ju. Bonnie Modra zastava. Oče O'Flynn. Žaba v dobro. Huntington. Prihaja kraljestvo. Monumentalno Two-Four. Star-Spangled Banner. Stonewall Jackson Way.
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