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Der Mond. Carl Orff.


Moon. Carl Orff.


Der Mond. Ein kleines Welttheater nach einem Marchen der Bruder Grimm. Composed by Carl Orff. 1895-1982. This edition. ED 9541. Hardcover. 2nd, expanded and revised edition 2002. Books. Librettos. Text language. German. 42 pages. Published by Schott Music. SD.49033155. ISBN 9783795704735. With Text language. German. In days gone by there was a land where the nights were always dark, and the sky spread over it like a black cloth, for there the moon never rose, and no star shone in the obscurity. ' - This is the opening of the story 'The Moon' by the Brothers Grimm, set to music by Carl Orff. This book tells the story of how four young fellows steal the moon from a foreign kingdom, how it ends up in the world below and how it comes to pass that the dead become restless and awake from their sleep because of the moonlight. And soon there is as much activity in the world below as it is on earth until Saint Peter steps in. He sees to it that peace returns and that the moon takes its rightful place in the sky. This picture book, with atmospheric illustrations by Annegret Fuchshuber, reproduces the story as told by the Brothers Grimm, together with the complete libretto by Carl Orff. The accompanying CD contains not only the fairy story narrated by Godela Orff but also Orff's version with the Leipzig Radio Choir and Symphony Orchestra. For children aged 6. Awarded the Deutscher Musikeditionspreis 2003. Included in the list of recommended educationally worthy picture books 2004 of the 'Gesellschaft fur Jugend- und Sozialforschung'. GJSF. Society for Youth and Social Research.


Moon. Majhen svet gledališča po pravljici o brata Grimm. V sestavi Carl Orff. 1895-1982. Ta izdaja. ED 9541. Trda vezava. 2., razširjena in dopolnjena izdaja 2002. Knjige. Libretov. Besedilo jezik. Nemško. 42 strani. Izdala Schott Music. SD.49033155. ISBN 9783795704735. Z besedilom jeziku. Nemško. V preteklosti je bila dežela, kjer so bile noči vedno temno in nebo razširila nad njim kot črno krpo, kajti luna nikoli povečal, in ne zvezda sijala v nerazumljivosti. - "To je začetek zgodbe" Moon ", ki ga bratov Grimm, uglasbil Carl Orff. Ta knjiga pripoveduje zgodbo o tem, kako štirje mladi fantje ukradli luno iz tujega kraljestva, kako se konča v svetu spodaj in kako gre mimo, da mrtvi postanejo nemirni in budni od svojega spanja zaradi mesečini. In kmalu je toliko aktivnosti v svetu spodaj, kot je na zemlji, dokler Saint Peter korake v. On skrbi za to, da mir donose in da luna prevzame svoje mesto na nebu. Ta slikanica, z atmosferskimi ilustracijami Annegret Fuchshuber, povzema zgodbo, kot je povedal, bratov Grimm, skupaj s popolnim libreta Carl Orff. Spremljevalni CD ne vsebuje samo vila zgodbo pripoveduje Godela Orff, ampak tudi različico Orff je z Leipzig Radio zbor in simfonični orkester. Za otroke, stare od 6. Nagrajeni Deutscher Musikeditionspreis 2003. Vključeni v seznam priporočenih izobraževalno vredni slikanic 2004 iz "Gesellschaft für Jugend-und Sozialforschung". GJSF. Društvo za mladino in socialne raziskave.
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