Partiture $8.00
Highlights from the 1812 Overture.Prevod
Poudarki iz Uverturo 1812.Originalno
Highlights from the 1812 Overture composed by Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Arranged by Bob Cerulli. Orchestra. Masterworks. Score. String Orchestra. Belwin Concert String Orchestra. Form. Overture. Masterwork Arrangement. Romantic. Grade 4. 32 pages. Published by Belwin Music. AP.38419S. Very true to the original yet arranged for string orchestra, this is sure to become a classic. Celebrate the bicentennial of the victory of the Russian army over Napoleonâs army with the most recognized themes of the 1812 Overture. the opening hymn, "God Preserve Thy People," the "Marseillaise," and "God Save the Czar. Concert. Contest. Festival.Prevod
Poudarki iz Uverturo 1812 ga sestavljajo Petra Iljiča Čajkovskega. Peter Iljič Čajkovski. Urejen Bob Cerulli. Orkester. Mojstrovine. Ocena. Godalni orkester. Belwin koncert godalni orkester. Obrazec. Uvertura. Mojstrovina Dogovor. Romantična. 4. stopnje. 32 strani. Izdala Belwin Glasba. AP.38419S. Zelo zvest originalni še poskrbela za godalni orkester, to je prepričan, da postane klasika. Praznujte Bicentennial zmage ruske armade nad Napoleonâs vojske z najbolj priznanimi teme Uverturo 1812. himna odpiranje "Bog Ohranimo svojega naroda," "Marseillaise," in "God Save Carja. Koncert. Tekmovanje. Festival.Največkrat iskano