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Destination Rock 'n' Roll. Choral Revue. Mark A. Brymer. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music.


Destinacija Rock 'n' Roll. Zborovska Revue. Mark A. Brymer. Voice note. Zbor note.


Destination Rock 'n' Roll. Choral Revue. arranged by Mark A. Brymer. For Choral. 2 Part Singer. Discovery Choral. 56 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.8551727. Celebrate the sound of a nation and a generation coming of age. This dynamic 30-minute show is a Rock 'n' Roll hit parade that will instruct as well as it entertains, as you explore the cities, streets and neighborhoods where the music was born. Dialog, choreography from John Jacobson and a hot accompaniment track make this show a super choice for elementary through high school. Available separately. 3-Part Mixed Director's Score, 2-Part Director's Score, 3-Part Mixed Singer's Edition, 2-Part Singer's Edition, Preview CD, ShowTrax CD. Performance Time. Approx. 30. 00. ABC. Down Under. Somebody to love. Back In The U.S.S.R. Bandstand Boogie. Blue Suede Shoes. Bohemian Rhapsody. California Girls. Dancing In The Street. Fun, Fun, Fun. Heartache Tonight. Help. Hound Dog. How Sweet It Is. To Be Loved By You. I Heard It Through the Grapevine. I'm A Believer. I'm Henry VIII, I Am. Kansas City. Last Train To Clarksville. Nadine. Is It You. Peggy Sue. Pinball Wizard. Rock And Roll Is Here To Stay. Rock This Town. Start Me Up. Walk Like An Egyptian. We Built This City. Where The Boys Are. You Give Love A Bad Name. You Keep Me Hangin' On. Living In America.


Destinacija Rock 'n' Roll. Zborovska Revue. urejen Mark A. Brymer. Za zborovsko. 2. del Singer. Discovery Choral. 56 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.8551727. Praznujte zvok naroda in generacije dozoreva. Ta dinamična 30-minutna oddaja je Rock 'n' Roll hit parada, ki bo poučevanje, kot tudi to zabava, kot ste raziskati mesta, ulice in sosesk, kjer se je rodil glasba. Dialog, koreografija od Johna Jacobson in vroče spremljavo progi bo to pokazal super izbira za osnovno skozi srednjo šolo. Na voljo ločeno. 3-Part Rezultat Mešane direktorja, Rezultat 2-delna direktorja, 3-mešani pevca Edition, 2-delna pevca Edition, Predogled CD, ShowTrax CD. Uspešnost čas. Ca. 30. 00. ABC. Down Under. Nekdo bi rad. Nazaj v U.S.S.R. Glasbeni paviljon Boogie. Blue Suede Shoes. Bohemian Rhapsody. California Girls. Dancing In The Street. Fun, Fun, Fun. Heartache Tonight. Pomaga. Hound Dog. Kako Sweet Je. Be Loved By You. Slišal sem Skozi Grapevine. Jaz sem vernik,. Jaz sem Henry VIII, I Am. Kansas City. Last Train Za Clarksville. Nadine. Je to You. Peggy Sue. Pinball Wizard. Rock And Roll je že trdno zasidral. Rock This Town. Začnite Me Up. Walk Like egiptovski. Zgradili smo to mesto. Kje The Boys Are. You Give Ljubezen slabo ime. You Keep Me visi na. Življenje v Ameriki.
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