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Cantata misericordium, Op. 69. Benjamin Britten. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music.Prevod
Kantata misericordium, op. 69. Benjamin Britten. Voice note. Zbor note.Originalno
Cantata misericordium, Op. 69. 1963. Vocal Score. Composed by Benjamin Britten. 1913-1976. For Choral, Chorus, Orchestra. Vocal Score. BH Large Choral. 45 pages. Boosey & Hawkes #M060014055. Published by Boosey & Hawkes. HL.48008889. for tenor and baritone solos, small chorus and string quartet, string orchestra, piano, harp and timpani. Text. In Latin by Patrick Wilkinson. Publisher. Boosey & Hawkes. Difficulty level. chorus parts. This work is a different as chalk from cheese from the Cantata academica. Here is a searingly beautiful work which presses all Britten's sympathetic buttons. It was composed for the centenary of the Red Cross and first performed in Geneva on 1 September 1963 conducted by Ernest Ansermet. Britten worked with his librettist, Patrick Wilkinson, to create a dramatic scena around the parable of the Good Samaritan. How appropriate this was for the organisation whose work it was intended to celebrate. Wilkinson set it in Latin, giving the Cantata a timeless sense of the universality of the message the parable conveys. Britten's scoring further emphasises the intimacy of the work which has echoes of Saint Nicolas and the Ceremony of Carols in its use of the harp and piano. The separate string quartet, however, is the truly personal touch giving that powerful sense of looking in on a private conversation. The quartet begins the work with a contrapuntal figure which returns at key moments as a refrain or as a joining passage marking the arrival of a new potential source of help to the wounded man, and again at the end. This is a work which barely raises its voice. The emphasis is on compassion and not on the violence done to the traveller who was so badly injured and so callously ignored by the priest and the Levite who passed by. This Cantata immediately followed the composition of the War Requiem, and Owen's pity and waste of war is at the heart of this new work which could have painted a very different picture of righteous indignation or the fighting which would leave the traveller broken by the wayside. The end of the work also has strong resonance with the War Requiem when the Samaritan has taken the traveller to recover in a local inn and says. 'sleep now, my friend, sleep. forget your injuries. ' Britten has achieved a remarkable effect in this work. It leaves an indelible impression on its listeners and, like all stories designed to demonstrate a moral, sends one away intent on being a better person. The choral parts of the Cantata misericordium are quite challenging, though not in the league of Sacred and Profane or A Boy was Born. What is essential in performing this work, however, is that the choral parts should be so well sung that the gentle nature of the whole work is not disturbed by obviously problematic passages for choir. The whole concentration should be on the message, as Britten intended. It is the moral of the tale and not its means of communication which is paramount. Duration. 20 minutes. Paul Spicer, Lichfield, 2011.Prevod
Kantata misericordium, op. 69. 1963. Vocal Score. Ki ga sestavljajo Brittna. 1913-1976. Za zborovsko, zbor, orkester. Vocal Score. BH Veliko zborovsko. 45 strani. Буси. Izdala Boosey. HL.48008889. za tenor in bariton solo, majhen zbor in godalni kvartet, godalni orkester, klavir, harfo in timpani. Besedilo. V latinščini Patrick Wilkinson. Založba. Boosey. Težavnost. chorus deli. To delo je drugačno, kot je kreda iz sira iz kantate Academica. Tukaj je čudovito delo, ki so vroče stiskalnice ati razumevanjem gumbe vseh Britten je. Napisan pa je za stoletnici Rdečega križa in prvič izvedena v Ženevi 1. septembra 1963 Ernest Ansermet izvedla. Britten je delal s svojo libretista, Patrick Wilkinson, da ustvarite dramatične Scena okoli priliki o usmiljenem Samarijanu. Kako primerno je bilo to v organizaciji, ki je bil namenjen za praznovanje. Wilkinson je postavljena v latinščini, kar kantate brezčasno občutek univerzalnosti sporočila priliki izraža. Britten je veliko prostora, še bolj intimnost z delom, ki ima odmeve Saint Nicolas, in slovesnost Carols v uporabi harfo in klavir. Zasebni godalni kvartet, pa je resnično osebno noto daje močan občutek, da je videti v na zasebnem pogovoru. Kvartet se začne delo z kontrapunktske sliki, ki se vrnejo v ključnih trenutkih kot refren ali kot povezuje prehod označuje prihod nove potencialni vir pomoči ranjenim človekom, in na koncu še enkrat. To je delo, ki komaj dviguje svoj glas. Poudarek je na sočutju in ne na nasilju, opravljenih za popotnika, ki je bil tako hudo poškodovan in tako brezčutno prezreti, ki jih je duhovnik in levit, ki so bili posredovani z. Ta Kantata takoj sledi, da je sestava vojne Requiem, in škoda, in odpadki vojne Owen je v središču tega novega dela, ki bi lahko naslikal zelo drugačno sliko Upravičena jeza ali požarov, ki bi pustila popotnika razbiti na stranski tir. Konec dela, ima tudi močno odmeva v vojni Requiem, ko je sprejela Samaritan popotnika, da si opomore v lokalni gostilni in reče:. "Spat, moj prijatelj, spanje. pozabi poškodb. "Britten je dosegla izjemen učinek v tem delu. Pušča neizbrisen vtis o svojih poslušalcev in, kot vse zgodbe, ki pokaže moralno, pošlje eno stran namero o čemer boljša oseba. Zborske deli kantata misericordium so precej zahtevna, čeprav ne v ligi svetim in profano ali fant je bil rojen. Kaj je ključnega pomena pri opravljanju tega dela pa je, da bi moralo biti tako dobro pel zborovske dele, ki se nežno naravo celotnega dela ne motijo očitno problematičnih prehodov za zbor. Celoten koncentracija mora biti na sporočilu, kot Britten namenjena. To je nauk te zgodbe, in ne načina komunikacije, ki je bistvenega pomena. Trajanje. 20 minut. Paul Spicer, Lichfield 2011.Največkrat iskano