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The Gift of My Life. Ruth Elaine Schram. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.Prevod
Gift of My Life. Ruth Elaine Schram. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note.Originalno
The Gift of My Life composed by Ruth Elaine Schram. For SATB choir, piano. Sacred Anthem, Christmas, Stewardship. Octavo. Published by Exaltation Publications. LO.10-3197L. Shepherds brought humble gifts to the manger while wise men brought expensive gifts of adoration to the young Messiah. The gift of the present-day seeker, as this poignant anthem states, is to offer "the gift of my life. all that I am or ever hope to be.Prevod
Gift of My Life, ki ga sestavljajo Ruth Elaine Schram. Za SATB pevski zbor, klavir. Sacred Anthem, božič, Stewardship. Osma. Izdala povzdignjenja publikacije. LO.10-3197L. Pastirji prinesel skromnih daril za jasli, medtem ko modreci prinesel dragih daril češčenja mladi Mesija. Dar današnje azil, kot je to pretresljivih himna držav, je ponuditi "dar mojega življenja. vse, kar sem, ali ste kdaj upam, da bo.Največkrat iskano