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The School Choral Program. Student Motivation DVD. Choir sheet music.


Program School Choral. Student Motivacija DVD. Zbor note.


The School Choral Program. Student Motivation DVD. The Opportunity to Serve. By Central Bucks West High School Choir. By Tim Lautzenheiser & James Jordan. Music Education. DVD. Published by GIA Publications. GI.G-DVD-767. With the Central Bucks West High School Choir. To build a successful high school music program is to empower student leaders. But what does it really mean to be a student leader. How can they make a difference. In this brilliant DVD, master clinician Tim Lautzenheiser speaks to the students of the Central Bucks West High School choir and band about how to bring leadership thinking into their everyday lives and music making. He offers a clear perspective of what is possible when young leaders choose excellence as the foundation of their leadership mission. James Jordan encourages these same students to keep focus on why they connect through music, and on the rewards that come from those connections. And together, James and Tim discuss the risk-taking that is needed by both conductor and ensemble when true music happens. This DVD is a companion to the definitive choral methods text The School Choral Program , which breaks new ground in choral music education and provides choral directors with the tools they need to be successful in the classroom and at the podium. Tim Lautzenheiser is a well-known name in the music education world as teacher, clinician, author, composer, consultant, adjudicator and, above all, a trusted friend to anyone interested in working with young people to develop a desire for excellence. Widely acknowledged as one of the most influential conductors in America, James Jordan, through his seventeen textbooks and recordings, has brought about far-reaching pedagogical and philosophical changes in choral music and music education.


Program School Choral. Student Motivacija DVD. Priložnost, da služijo. Z osrednjimi Bucks West High School zbor. Tim Lautzenheiser. Glasba Izobraževanje. DVD. Izdala GIA publikacije. GI.G-DVD-767. Z osrednjimi Bucks West High School zbor. Zgraditi uspešen program Visoki šoli za glasbo je pooblastiti voditeljev študentske. Toda kaj to v resnici pomeni, da se vodilni študent. Kako lahko naredite razliko. V tem briljantno DVD, mojster zdravnik Tim Lautzenheiser govori študenti Srednje Bucks West High School zborovskih in tračnih o tem, kako naj bi vodstvo razmišljanje v vsakdanjem življenju in ustvarjanju glasbe. On ponuja jasno perspektivo o tem, kaj je možno, če mladi voditelji izbrati odličnosti kot temelj njihovega vodstva misije. James Jordan spodbuja te iste učence, da bo poudarek o tem, zakaj se povežejo z glasbo, in nagrade, ki prihajajo iz teh priključkov. In skupaj, James in Tim razpravljali tveganja, ki je potrebna tako z vodnikom in ansambel, ko res glasba zgodi. Ta DVD je spremljevalec za dokončno zborovski metode besedilo Choral šolski program, ki orje ledino v zborovskem glasbene vzgoje in zagotavlja zborovskih direktorje z orodji, ki jih potrebujejo za uspeh v razredu in na stopničkah. Tim Lautzenheiser je dobro znano ime v svetu glasbene vzgoje kot učitelja, zdravnika, avtor, skladatelj, svetovalec, presojevalca in predvsem zaupanja vrednega prijatelja za vsakogar zanima delo z mladimi, da razvije željo po odličnosti. Splošno priznana kot eden najbolj vplivnih dirigentov v Ameriki, James Jordan, prek svojih sedemnajstih učbenikov in posnetkov, je prinesel daljnosežne pedagoške in filozofske spremembe v zborovski glasbi in glasbenem izobraževanju.