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Gottwald. Wolf. Drei Lieder. Hugo Wolf. Choir sheet music.Prevod
Gottwald. Wolf. Tri pesmi. Hugo Wolf. Zbor note.Originalno
Gottwald. Wolf. Drei Lieder composed by Hugo Wolf. 1860-1903. For 8-part mixed choir. Contemporary choral music. Collection. 12 pages. Published by Carus Verlag. CA.915800. ISBN M-007-14513-2. In the last few years, Clytus Gottwald's sophisticated arrangements have very successfully established themselves in the choral repertoire all over the world. In his choral transcriptions, Gottwald applies the vocal compositional techniques of contemporary music to traditional compositions, using the highly differentiated sound to reveal the structures of these works. Hugo Wolf's 53 Lieder on poems by Eduard Morike were composed during the years 1888-1890, almost simultaneously with the Lieder cycles on poems by Goethe and Eichendorff. In 2013, Clytus Gottwald transcribed three of the "Morike Lieder" for vocal ensemble. In "In der Fruhe". At Dawn. , the disturbing opening lines lead into chords depicting the comforting ringing of the morning bells. Gottwald's transcription aims at dramatizing this by making use of sonorities derived from the spectra of bell sounds. The famous "Gebet". Prayer. is modeled after a chorale, but Wolf contradicts the "holdes Bescheiden". beautiful humility. for which Morike prays by means of a - not at all humble - reminiscence of "Isolde's Liebestod. " In the third Lied, "Um Mitternacht". At Midnight. , Wolf paints a somber world with gently blurred dissonances.Prevod
Gottwald. Wolf. Tri pesmi sestavljene Hugo Wolf. 1860-1903. Za 8-mešani zbor. Sodobna zborovska glasba. Zbiranje. 12 strani. Izdala Carus Verlag. CA.915800. ISBN M-007-14513-2. V zadnjih nekaj letih so sofisticirane dogovori Clytus Gottwald je zelo uspešno uveljavili v zborovski repertoar vsem svetu. V njegovih zborovskih transkripcij, Gottwald uporablja tehnike vokalne sestave sodobne glasbe na tradicionalnih skladb, z zelo raznolik zvok razkriti strukture teh del. Hugo Wolf je 53 Lieder na pesmi Eduard Morike so bili sestavljeni v letih 1888-1890, skoraj istočasno z Lieder ciklov na pesmi Goetheja in Eichendorffa. Leta 2013, Clytus Gottwald prepisane tri Morike samospeva za vokalni ansambel. V der Fruhe. Na Dawn. So moteče odpiranje linije vodijo v akordih je upodobljen tolažba zvonjenje jutranjih zvonov. Cilj Gottwald je prepis na dramatizing to z uporabo zvokov, ki izhajajo iz spektrov bell zvokov. Slavni molitev. Molitev. je po vzoru korala, vendar Wolf nasprotuje holdes Bescheiden. čudovita ponižnost. za katere Morike moli s pomočjo - sploh ne ponižen - reminiscenca Izoldina Liebestod. V tretjem lagal, Um Mitternacht. Ob polnoči. Wolf barve temačen svet z nežno zabrisane disonance.Največkrat iskano