Partiture $60.00
Prayer and Proclamation. Jared Spears. Grade 3.Prevod
Molitev in Razglasitev. Jared Spears. Razred 3.Originalno
Prayer and Proclamation composed by Jared Spears. Concert band. Command Series. Audio recording available separately. item CL.WFR329. Grade 3. Score and set of parts. Composed 1983. Duration 5 minutes, 7 seconds. Published by C.L. Barnhouse. CL.012-1712-00. With sensitive, but practical, percussion writing the opening slow section develops into lush harmonies set in a mixture of contemporary and chorale-like styles reminiscent of this composer's earlier best- selling "Momentations. " In contrast, a bright and exciting section follows with all the drama, drive and enthusiasm of that Spears' style. The Barnhouse Command Series includes works at grade levels 2, 2.5, and 3. This series is designed for middle school and junior high school bands, as well as high school bands of smaller instrumentation or limited experience. Command Series publications have a slightly larger instrumentation than the Rising Band Series, and are typically of larger scope, duration, and musical content.Prevod
Molitev in Razglasitev sestavljajo Jared Spears. Koncert pas. Command Series. Zvočni posnetek na voljo posebej. element CL.WFR329. Razred 3. Rezultat in nastavite delov. Sestavlja 1983. Trajanje 5 minut, 7 sekundami. Izdala C.L. Barnhouse. CL.012-1712-00. Z občutljivo, ampak praktično, tolkala pisanje odpira počasi razdelek razvije v bujno harmonij, določenih v mešanici sodobnega in koralno podobnih stilov, ki spominjajo na to skladatelj je prej best prodaja "Momentations. "V nasprotju s tem, svetlo in vznemirljivo poglavje sledi z vso dramo, pogon in navdušenju slog, Britney Spears". Command Series Barnhouse obsega dela na ravni razreda 2, 2,5 in 3. Ta serija je namenjena srednji šoli in srednji šoli pasovih, kakor tudi srednješolskih bendov manjše merilne naprave ali omejenih izkušenj. Command Series publikacije imajo nekoliko večji instrumentacijo kot vzhajajočega Band Series, in so navadno večji obseg, trajanje in glasbene vsebine.Največkrat iskano