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Koowu. A Cappella sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Intermediate.


Koowu. Cappella note. Tolkala note. Vmesna.


Koowu composed by Maryam Khoury. For SSA choir. a cappella. with optional hand drum. Edith Copley Choral Series. Choral octavo only. Instrumental accompaniment sold separately. SBMP-695.1. Concert. Medium. Octavo. Published by Santa Barbara Music Publishing. SB.SBMP-695. In Arabic, Koowu means strength. As a child, Maryam Sameer Faheem Khoury's father told her stories about the difficulties he experienced growing up in Palestine. Koowu is about how different her life would be if her father had not moved to the United States. The text of Koowu is symbolically about a caged bird who longs to fly away and find freedom. The modality of the melody hints at the composer's roots. the addition of a dumbek. drum. adds its own authenticity to the ethnic leanings of the piece. A colorful, unique addition to women's repertoire. Dumbek part available as a free download from the publisher's website.


Koowu sestavljajo Maryam Khoury. Za SSA zbor. cappella. z opcijskim bobnu strani. Edith Copley Zborovske serije. Samo zborovsko octavo. Instrumentalna spremljava prodaja ločeno. SBMP-695,1. Koncert. Srednje. Osma. Izdala Santa Barbara Music Publishing. SB.SBMP-695. V arabščini, Koowu pomeni moč. Kot otrok, Maryam Sameer Faheem Khoury je oče povedal svoje zgodbe o težavah je doživel odraščanje v Palestini. Koowu je o tem, kako drugačno bi bilo njeno življenje, če je njen oče ni preselil v Združene države Amerike. Besedilo Koowu je simbolično o kletki ptica, ki hrepeni, da odleti in našli svobodo. Modaliteta melodijo namiguje na korenine skladateljevega. dodatek dumbek. drum. Dodaja svojo verodostojnost, da so etnične nagnjenji v kosu. Barvita, edinstveno dodatek k repertoarju žensk. Dumbek del na voljo kot brezplačen prenos s spletne strani založbe.
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