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Playing the Recorder. Folk Songs of Many Nations. an instructional method for all types of recorder. Soprano Recorder sheet music.


Igranje snemalnika. Ljudskih pesmi mnogih narodov. poučni metoda za vse vrste snemalnik. Sopran snemalnik note.


Playing the Recorder. Folk Songs of Many Nations. an instructional method for all types of recorder. for soprano recorder. Instrumental Solo Part and CD. Published by Music Minus One. MO.MMOCD3337. ISBN 159615313X. A method compiled and edited by Erich Katz, Dean of the American Recorder movement and the man responsible for the enormous recorder renaissance in the U.S.A. that started in the late 20th century and continues to this day. Here is a super course for learning to play every type of recorder - the sopranos, altos, tenors and even the less frequently used sopranino, and bass recorder. Each lesson is built around a series of duets and trios, beginning with the simplest of folk songs to more elaborate music of Bach. Your fellow player is LaNoue Davenport, recorder virtuoso and former performer with the acclaimed Noah Greenberg Pro Music group. Includes a high-quality printed solo part and a compact disc containing the accompaniments for each piece. The First Three Recorder Tones to Be Learned. b', a', g'. The First Round. The Next Recorder Tone. c''. A Round. No. 2. Dutch Folk Song. Marching Song. German. Lullaby. The Next Recorder Tone. d'. A Round. No. 3. Russian Folk Dance. No. 1. Hungarian Folk Dance. Bransle de Champaigne. Old French Dance. May Is Coming. Old German Folksong. Mary Had a Little Lamb. English. French Folk Dance. Song of the Papago Indians. Picking Up Sticks. English Country Dance. Today Is Monday. American. Two New Recorder Tones. e', e''. with half scales and chords. A Round. No. 4. Summer Time. Irish. Autumn Song. Iceland. Searching for Lambs. Old English. My Bonnie. American. Bourree. Parson's Farewell. English Country Dance. A Round. No. 5. Auld Lang Syne. Scottish. Old Paint. American. The Holly and the Ivy. Christmas Carol. The Wayfaring Stranger. American. The Knight Rides up to the Castle. Switzerland. Comin' thru the Rye. Scottish. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Spiritual. Next Recorder Tone. f#'. , with scales and chords. A Round. No. 6. Bransle Simple. Old French Dance. O Mistress Mine. Old English. Polish Folk Dance. Song of the Well. Israel. Swedish Folk Dance. The Nightingale. French. Peasant Dance. Alsace. The Next Tone. f'. , with scales and chords. A Round. in the Dorian mode. No. 7. May Dance. German. Noel. French. If All the World Were Paper. English Country Dance. John Brown's Body. Old French Dance Tune. The Lowest Recorder Tone. c'. , with scales. Bugle Calls. A Round. No. 8. St. Paul's Steeple. English. Chinese Melody. Oh Susanna. American. The Campbells Are Coming. Alternative Recorder Fingerings. A Round. No. 9. Recorder Tones in the Higher Octave. g'', f'', f#''. , with scales and chords. A Round. in the Phrygian mode. No. 10. Another Round. No. 11. The Farmer's Daughter. Switzerland. Russian Folk Dance. No. 2. Canzonetta. Italian. The Indian Queen. English Country Dance. Eileen. Old Irish Tune. Another Recorder Tone. b-flat'. , with scales. A Round. No. 12. Ave Maria. Portugal. The Cart Driver. Mexican. Old Wedding Dance. Switzerland. Another Recorder Tone. c#''. , with scales. A Round. No. 13. Cock-A-Doodle-Doo. Children's Song. The Vicar of Bray. English. Farewell Song. Jewish. The Lark. English Country Dance. Another Recorder Tone. g#'. , with scales and chords. A Round. No. 14. Jacob's Ladder. Spiritual. The Miller of Dee. English. King's Dance, The. Old Flemish. Another Recorder Tone. e-flat''. , with scales and chords. A Round. No. 15. Seven Jumps Dance. Danish. Exchange of Sharps and Flats. Enharmonics. and use in various scales. A Round. No. 16. St. Antonius. Portugal. Two More High Tones for the Recorder. a'', g#''. , with scales and chords. A Round. No. 17. Bohemian Dance. Girl I Left behind Me. English Country Dance. Santo San Juanito. Ecuador.


Igranje snemalnika. Ljudskih pesmi mnogih narodov. poučni metoda za vse vrste snemalnik. za sopran snemalnik. Instrumental Solo del in CD. Izdala Music Minus One. MO.MMOCD3337. ISBN 159615313X. Metoda zbrala in uredila Erich Katz, dekan ameriškega gibanja Snemalnik in človek, odgovoren za ogromno rekorderja renesanse v ZDA, ki se je začel v drugi polovici 20. stoletja in se nadaljuje vse do danes. Tukaj je super tečaj za učenje igrati vsako vrsto registratorja - The Sopranos, Altos, tenorji in celo manj pogosto uporabljajo sopranino in bas snemalnik. Vsaka lekcija je zgrajen niz duetov in trojk, ki se začne z najpreprostejši ljudskih pesmi za podrobnejši glasbi Bacha. Vaš kolega Igralec LaNoue Davenport, snemalnik virtuoz in nekdanji performer s priznanim Noah Greenberg Pro Glasbene skupine. Vključuje kakovostno natisnjena solo del in zgoščenko, ki vsebuje spremljav za vsak kos. Prve tri snemalnik Toni je treba naučiti. b "," g ". Prvi krog. Naslednja snemalnik Tone. c''. Okrogla. No 2. Nizozemski Folk Song. Marching Song. Nemško. Lullaby. Naslednja snemalnik Tone. d '. Okrogla. Številka 3. Russian Folk Dance. No 1. Hungarian Folk Dance. Bransle de Champaigne. Stara francoska Dance. May Is Coming. Stara nemška Folksong. Mary Had a Little Lamb. Angleščina. Francoski Folk Dance. Pesem Papagi Indijancev. Picking Up palčke. Angleško Country Dance. Danes je ponedeljek. American. Dve novi snemalnik Toni. e ', e''. z luskami pol in akordi. Okrogla. Številka 4. Poletni čas. Irski. Pesem jeseni. Islandija. Searching for Lambs. Stara angleščina. My Bonnie. American. Bourree. Župnik je v slovo. Angleško Country Dance. Okrogla. Številka 5. Auld Lang Syne. Škotski. Old Paint. American. Holly in Ivy. Christmas Carol. Wayfaring Stranger. American. Knight Rides do gradu. Švica. Prihajam skozi rži. Škotski. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Duhovna. Naslednja snemalnik Tone. f # . Z lestvice in akordi. Okrogla. Številka 6. Bransle Simple. Stara francoska Dance. O Mistress Mine. Stara angleščina. Poljski Folk Dance. Pesem No. Izrael. Švedski Folk Dance. Nightingale. Francoski. Kmečka Dance. Alsace. Naslednja Tone. f ". Z lestvice in akordi. Okrogla. v načinu Dorian. Številka 7. Lahko Dance. Nemško. Noel. Francoski. Če All sveta so bili Paper. Angleško Country Dance. Body Johna Browna. Stara francoska Dance Tune. Najnižja snemalnik Tone. c ". , Z luskami. Bugle poziva. Okrogla. No 8. Pavla Steeple. Angleščina. Kitajski Melody. Oh Susanna. American. V Campbells Are Coming. Nadomestni snemalnik fingerings. Okrogla. Ne 9. Zapisi Toni v visokem Octave. г'', е'', е. Z lestvice in akordi. Okrogla. v frigijsko načinu. Številka 10. Druga okrogla. Številka 11. Kmet je Daughter. Švica. Russian Folk Dance. No 2. Jingle. Italijanski. Indian Queen. Angleško Country Dance. Eileen. Old Irish Tune. Druga snemalnik Tone. b-flat ". , Z luskami. Okrogla. Številka 12. Ave Maria. Portugalska. Košarica Driver. Mehiški. Stara Wedding Dance. Švica. Druga snemalnik Tone. c # ''. , Z luskami. Okrogla. No 13. Cock-A-Doodle-Doo. Otroška Song. Vicar Bray. Angleščina. Farewell Song. Judovska. Lark. Angleško Country Dance. Druga snemalnik Tone. g # . Z lestvice in akordi. Okrogla. No 14. Jakobova lestev. Duhovna. Miller Dee. Angleščina. Kraljeva Dance,. Stara flamski. Druga snemalnik Tone. e-flat''. Z lestvice in akordi. Okrogla. No 15. Sedem skokov Dance. Danish. Izmenjava Sharpsu in stanovanj. Enharmonics. in uporabo v različnih obsegih. Okrogla. No 16. St Antonius. Portugalska. Dve Več visokih tonov za snemalnik. '', г. Z lestvice in akordi. Okrogla. No 17. Bohemian Dance. Dekle, ki sem levo zadaj Me. Angleško Country Dance. Santo San Juanito. Ekvador.
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