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Pop Duets for All. Michael Story. Alto Saxophone sheet music. E-Flat Clarinet sheet music. Flexible Instrument sheet music.


Pop Duets za vse. Michael Story. Altovski saksofon note. E-Flat klarinetov note. Prilagodljiv instrument note.


Pop Duets for All. E-Flat Alto Saxophone, E-Flat Clarinet. Arranged by Michael Story. For Alto Saxophone. E-Flat Saxes & E-Flat Clarinets. This edition. Revised and Updated. Duet or Duo. Mixed Instruments - Flexible Instrumentation. Instrumental Ensembles for All. Pop. Book. 24 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.30688. ISBN 0739054252. Pop Duets for All is a versatile, educational, and fun series intended for like or mixed instruments to perform in any size group or combination of instruments. All books are in score format with each line increasing in difficulty from Grade 1 to Grade 3-4. Alternate passages and notation are included to suit instrumental ranges. With no page turns required, the songs and measures are consistent which makes finding rehearsal points quick and convenient. Perfect for concerts with family and friends, recitals, auditions, and festivals. Available for brass, woodwinds, strings, and percussion. Titles are. I Got Rhythm. Wipeout. Splish Splash. Whatâd I Say. Over the Rainbow. The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down. Margaritaville. Scooby Doo, Where Are You. The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini. Domino. Meet. The Flintstones. From "The Flintstones". Bang the Drum All Day. Theme from New York, New York. Chattanooga Choo-Choo. Youâre the One That I Want. Raiders March. Margaritaville. The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Theme From "New York, New York". Chattanooga Choo Choo. What'd I Say. Over The Rainbow. From "The Wizard Of Oz". Splish, Splash. You're the One That I Want. from "Grease". Scooby Doo, Where Are You. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini. Meet. The Flintstones. Wipe Out. I Got Rhythm. The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down. Domino. Raiders March. from "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Bang the Drum All Day.


Pop Duets za vse. E-Flat Alto Saxophone, E-Flat klarinet. Uredil Michael Story. Za alt saksofon. E-Flat saxes. Ta izdaja. Spremeniti in posodobiti. Duet ali Duo. Mešani inštrumenti - Flexible Instrumentation. Instrumentalne Ansambli za vse. Pop. Knjiga. 24 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.30688. ISBN 0739054252. Pop Duets za vse je vsestranski, izobraževalna in zabavna serija namenjena za podobne ali mešanih instrumentov opravljajo v kateri koli velikosti skupine ali kombinacijo instrumentov. Vse knjige so v formatu rezultat vsaka vrstica povečanje v težavah, od 1. stopnje v naziv 3-4. Nadomestna prehodi in zapisa so vključeni, da bo ustrezala instrumentalnih obsegov. Z zavije potrebna nobena stran, pesmi in ukrepi so skladni ki omogoča iskanje vaja točk, hiter in udoben. Kot nalašč za koncerte z družino in prijatelji, recitali avdicije in festivalov. Na voljo medenine, pihal, godala in tolkala. Naslovi so. I Got Rhythm. Wipeout. Splish Splash. Whatâd rečem. Over the Rainbow. Merry-Go-Round pokvaril. Margaritaville. Scooby Doo, Where Are You. Lion Sleeps Tonight. Majhen Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini. Domino. Meet. The Flintstones. Od "The Flintstones". Bang bobnu ves dan. Theme from New York, New York. Chattanooga Choo Choo-. Youare One, ki ga želim. Raiders marec. Margaritaville. Lion Sleeps Tonight. Theme From "New York, New York". Chattanooga Choo Choo. Kaj naj rečem. Over The Rainbow. Iz "The Wizard of Oz". Splish, Splash. Ti si tisti, ki ga želim. iz "Grease". Scooby Doo, Where Are You. Majhen Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini. Meet. The Flintstones. Obrišite Out. I Got Rhythm. Merry-Go-Round pokvaril. Domino. Raiders marec. iz "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Bang bobnu ves dan.
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