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Schumann Album For The Young. CD. Robert Schumann. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.Prevod
Schumann Album za mlade. CD. Robert Schumann. Piano Solo note. Vmesna.Originalno
Schumann Album For The Young. CD. composed by Robert Schumann. Edited by Keith Snell. For piano. Neil A. Kjos Master Composer Library. Intermediate. CD. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.GP386CD. These pieces provide an outstanding introduction to music from the Romantic era. Your students will find many favorites such as Soldier's March, Merry Farmer, Wild Horseman, First Loss, Knight Rupert, and more. This carefully engraved edition presents the Album for the Young in the most attractive format yet available. With music ranging from elementary to late intermediate levels, this book will be useful for many years of study. The CD is performed by Diane Hidy and includes all the pieces from the book. The Neil A. Kjos Master Composer Library, selected and edited by Keith Snell, is comprised of unique editions of the most popular piano teaching repertoire. Clavier Magazine calls it "an outstanding teaching series. " All books are attractively priced for students representing an outstanding value. Compact disc recordings by Diane Hidy, Nelita True, and Hans Boepple follow the editing, emulating a beautiful and practical model for students.Prevod
Schumann Album za mlade. CD. v sestavi Robert Schumann. Uredil Keith Snell. Za klavir. Neil A. Kjos Master Skladatelj knjižnica. Vmesna. CD. Izdala Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.GP386CD. Ti kosi zagotavljajo izjemno uvod v glasbo iz obdobja romantike. Vaši študenti bodo našli številne priljubljene, kot vojaka marca, Merry Farmer, Wild jezdeca, prve zmage, Knight Ruperta, in še več. Ta natančno vrezano izdaja predstavlja Album za mlade v najbolj privlačni obliki še ni na voljo. Z glasbo v razponu od osnovne do poznih vmesnih ravneh, bo ta knjiga koristna za veliko let študija. CD se izvede z Diane Hidy in vključuje vse dele iz knjige. Master Skladatelj Knjižnica Neil A. Kjos, izbrali in uredili Keith Snell, ki je sestavljena iz edinstvene izdajah najbolj priljubljenih poučevanja klavirja repertoarja. Clavier Magazine ga imenuje "odprta poučevanje serije. "Vse knjige so ugodni ceni za študente, ki predstavljajo izjemno vrednost. Zgoščenk posnetki Diane Hidy, Nelita res, in Hans Boepple sledi urejanje, posnemanju lep in praktičen model za študente.Največkrat iskano