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Mastering the Guitar 1A Book. DVD Set. Easy Guitar sheet music. Beginning.Prevod
Mastering Guitar 1A knjigo. DVD-Set. Easy Guitar note. Začetek.Originalno
Mastering the Guitar 1A Book. DVD Set. A Comprehensive Method for Today's Guitarist. Composed by William Bay and Mike Christiansen. For Guitar. All. Perfect binding, Methods. Mastering Guitar. All Styles. Beginning. Book. DVD Set. 144 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.96620DP. ISBN 9780786668496. All Styles. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. Mastering the Guitar is an innovative, exciting way to learn the guitar. Co-authored by William Bay and Mike Christiansen, this extremely comprehensive method applies the array of musical styles and techniques found in today's music. Written in notation and tablature, it covers a vast array of guitar solo and accompaniment styles. A special feature of this method is that it teaches both flatpicking and fingerstyle solo and accompaniment techniques. We feel that Mastering the Guitar is the most comprehensive approach to guitar technique repertoire and performance to be found anywhere. Volume 1A. Presents the essential foundational studies for contemporary guitar performance. Immediately introduces the student to the concept of playing contemporary music through the creative use of tablature. Logically and methodically teaches note-reading, utilizing the notes in first position on each string in numerous pages of playing material. over 155 solos and duets in the keys of C, A minor, G, and E minor. Contains more than 140 scale and picking studies, chord etudes, and accompaniment pieces, teaching contemporary techniques such as the slur, hammer-on, pull-off, vibrato and slide. Includes in-depth sections on back-up guitar and rhythm. Incorporates guitar duet material. Barcelona. Bottleneck Joe. English Maiden. Hard Drive. Midnight Drive. Midnight Special Blues. Morning Song. Same As You. Star of the County Down. The Clergy's Lamentation. Buena Vista. Classic Rock Boogie #1. Echoes. Estudio. Lonesome Blues. Menuet. Minuet. Moon Drops. Sakura. Slane. The Water Is Wide. Trev And Tom. A Poor Wayfaring Stranger. Bahia Tranquilo. Caleb's Gorge. Cruising Down The Super Highway. Gavotte. Gilotte. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. Greensleeves. I Don't Know Why. Nepal Sunrise. Sugar In The Gourd. The Clock. The Teetotaller's Reel. Three Past Midnight. Xiomara. Hammer-On Blues. Jazz Breakdown. Mexican Lament. Minor Song. Room 124. Soldier's Joy. Spanish Nights. Sweet Sunny South. Walking Guitar. In The Pines. Interlude. The Cuckoo. Blow Away The Morning Dew. Blue Elegy. Down in Yon Forest. Early American Hymn. Flyin' South. Arcadian Melody. Brighter Side. Heavy Weight. Baby Don't Love Me. Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair. Cumberland Ridge. Down Shift. Four-String Blues. The Flowers Of Sweet Erin The Green. Three Ravens. Allegro. Anitra's Dance Theme. Bending The Blues. Chanson. Classic Boogie. Cruisin' Sunset. Far From Home. Hard Luck Street. Irish Mist. Jamaican Shoreline. Midnight Walk. The South Wind. A minor Blues. Anna's Axe. Arkansas Traveler. Ashley's Song. Bransle Double. Don't Step on Alligators. Early Christmas Morn. House Of The Rising Sun. Morrison's Jig. Parson's Farewell. Spanish Dance. Ballad. Blow, Ye Winds. Blue Ridge. Bury Me Beneath The Willow. Call The Ewes. Cara's Farewell. Celtic Dawn. Double Stops. Drivin' Pick. Flatt Shuffle. Half Past Midnight. Hiking up the Mountain. Jimmy's Shuffle. O Mio Babbino Caro. Salt Creek. Shaker Dance. That Distant Shore. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. Andante. Arpeggio Picking. Casa De Grout. Chimes. Cripple Creek. Danny Boy. First Gear. Man Of Constant Sorrow. Memories Past. Red Rocking Chair. Shabat Shalom. Sourwood Mountain. Swallowtail Jig. Swamp Buggy. Eleven Mile Canyon. Good Mornin' Blues. How Pleasant It Is To Dwell In Harmony. Johnny Has Gone For a Soldier. Misty Morn. Soliloquy. Song of Joy. St. James Infirmary. The Marsh of Rhuddlan. Triplet Blues. Two-Part Estudio. You're The Cure. Bass Line Lead. Bluegrass Style. Hungarian Dance #4. Picardy. Silent Night. Smithfield Boogie. Spanish Knights. Spanish Romance. Acres Of Bluegrass. Lord Randal. Molly Malone. The Tie. Washed In That Beautiful Pool. Marianne. Not Forgetting Her. Oh, Sinner Man. Past midnight. Tango Guitarra. The Ash Grove. Three Fishermen. French Carol. Kentucky Rise. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Octave Chorale. Rollin' In My Sweet Baby's Arms. Rondeau. Sao Paolo. Shady Grove. Tambourin. Two-String Solo. Blue Rain. Hills Of Eire. Na Pali Coast. On The Banks Of That Lonely River. Renaissance Dance. Running the Strings. Spanish Groove. The Sally Gardens. Toll Free.Prevod
Mastering Guitar 1A knjigo. DVD-Set. Razvita metoda za današnje kitarist. Sestavljajo ga William Bay in Mike Christiansen. Za kitaro. Vse. Popolna vezava, Metode. Mastering Guitar. Vse Styles. Začetek. Knjiga. DVD-Set. 144 strani. Izdala Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.96620DP. ISBN 9780786668496. Vse Styles. 8,75 x 11,75 cm. Mastering Guitar je inovativen, zanimiv način, da se naučijo kitaro. Bil soavtor William Bay in Mike Christiansen, ta zelo izčrpne metoda se uporablja za paleto glasbenih stilov in tehnik najdemo v današnji glasbi. Napisan v zapisu in tablature, pokriva široko paleto kitara solo in spremstvo slogi. Posebnost te metode je, da se uči tako flatpicking in Fingerstyle solo in spremstvo tehnike. Menimo, da je najbolj celovit pristop k kitarsko tehniko repertoarja in uspešnosti Mastering Guitar mogoče najti nikjer. Obseg 1A. Predstavlja bistvene foundational študije za sodobnega performansa kitaro. Takoj uvaja študenta s konceptom igranja sodobno glasbo skozi ustvarjalno uporabo tablature. Logično in metodično uči opombo obravnave, z uporabo opombe na prvem mestu na vsakem nizu v številnih straneh igranje materiala. več kot 155 solaže in duete v ključev C, A-molu, G in E minor. Vsebuje več kot 140 obsega in obiranje študije, tetiva etud in spremstvo kosov, poučevanje sodobne tehnike, kot so žaljivke, kladivo-on, odmično, vibrato in tobogan. Vključuje poglobljeno poglavja o back-up kitare in ritem. Vključuje kitarski duo materiala. Barcelona. Ozko grlo Joe. Angleško Maiden. Hard Drive. Midnight Drive. Midnight Posebne Blues. Morning Song. Isto kot ti. Zvezda grofije Down. Žalovanje duhovščine je. Buena Vista. Classic Rock Буги. Odmevi. Študija. Lonesome Blues. Menuet. Menuet. Moon Drops. Sakura. Slane. Voda je zelo širok. Trev In Tom. Slabo Wayfaring Stranger. Bahia Tranquilo. Kalebova Gorge. Križarjenje Down Super Highway. Gavotte. Gilotte. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. Greensleeves. Jaz ne vem, zakaj. Nepal Sunrise. Sladkor v vrču. Ura. V Teetotaller je Roll. Tri Past Midnight. Xiomara. Hammer-On Blues. Jazz Breakdown. Mehiška Lament. Manjše Song. Soba 124. Joy vojaka. Španski Nights. Sweet Sunny South. Hoja Guitar. V vejah borov. Interlude. Cuckoo. Blow Away jutranji rosi. Blue Elegy. Določenimi v Yon Forest. Zgodnji ameriški Hymn. Flyin 'South. Arcadian Melody. Svetlejši Side. Heavy Teža. Baby Ne Love Me. Črna je barva dlake mojo pravo ljubezen je. Cumberland Ridge. Navzdol Shift. Štiri-String Blues. Cvetje sladkih Erin zelenem. Trije Ravens. Allegro. Anitra Dance Theme. Upogibanje The Blues. Song. Classic Boogie. Križaril Sunset. Far From Home. Hard Luck Street. Irish Mist. Jamajški Shoreline. Midnight Walk. South Wind. A manjše Blues. Anin Axe. Arkansas Traveler. Ashley Song. Bransle Double. Ne stopajte na aligatorje. Zgodnje božično Morn. House Of The Rising Sun. Morrison Jig. Župnik je v slovo. Španski ples. Ballad. Blow, Ye vetrovi. Blue Ridge. Bury Me Beneath The Willow. Pokličite ovce. Cara v slovo. Celtic Dawn. Dvojno zavoro. Vozil Pick. Flatt Shuffle. Half Past Midnight. Dvignil Mountain. Jimmy Shuffle. O Mio Babbino Caro. Salt Creek. Shaker Dance. Da Distant Shore. Bo kroga Unbroken. Andante. Arpeggio Pobiranje. Casa De injekcijsko maso. Zvončki. Cripple Creek. Danny Boy. Prvi Gear. Man of Constant Sorrow. Spomini Past. Red gugalnik. Shabat Shalom. Sourwood Mountain. Lastovičar Jig. Swamp Buggy. Eleven Mile Canyon. Dobro jutro Blues. Kako prijetno je, da živijo v sožitju. Johnny je šlo za vojaka. Misty Morn. Monolog. Song of Joy. St James Ambulanta. Marsh iz Rhuddlan. Trojček Blues. Two-Part Estudio. Si Cure. Bass Line Lead. Bluegrass Style. Венгерский танец. Picardie. Silent Night. Smithfield Boogie. Španski Knights. Spanish Romance. Hektarjev Bluegrass. Lord Randal. Molly Malone. Tie. Oprana Na ta lep bazen. Marianne. Ne smemo pozabiti Her. Oh, Sinner Man. Polnoči. Kitara Tango. Ash Grove. Tri Ribiči. Francoski Carol. Kentucky Rise. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Octave korala. Rollin 'V My Sweet Baby je orožje. Rondeau. Sao Paolo. Shady Grove. Tambourine. Two-String Solo. Blue Rain. Hribih Eire. Na Pali Coast. Na bregovih reke That Lonely. Renaissance Dance. Vodenje Strings. Spanish Groove. Sally Gardens. Brezplačna.Največkrat iskano