Partiture $75.00
A Moorside Suite. Intermediate.
Moorside Suite. Vmesna.
A Moorside Suite. for String Orchestra. Composed by D. Wright. Arranged by Dennis Wright. For String Orchestra. violin I, violin II, viola, cello, bass. Orchestra Music. Medium. Score and parts. Duration 12. 25. Published by C. Alan Publications. CN.R30002. A masterwork for string orchestra. Holst's Moorside Suite was composed in 1928, near the end of the composer's life, and is a masterpiece of his maturity. Originally for brass band, Moorside Suite retains the folk-song charm that is representative of Holst. A Moorside Suite is a masterpiece of Holst's maturity. Written in 1928, 6 years before his death, it achieves a synthesis of his creative talent as a composer with the strong folk-song influences of 20 years earlier. The title of the work alludes to a country setting but does not describe an exact location, and this is mirrored in the musical material. Folk-song influence is apparent but not overt. The work was originally for brass band, commissioned for the National Brass Band Championships held at the Crystal Palace, London, Englan. Denis Wright was a musical scholar, and the transcription was carried out either during Holst's lifetime or shortly after his death in 1934. The score was not published until 1983, and has been re-edited by Geoffrey Brand. Interestingly, Holst himself always intended the work to be transcribed for 'Military Band' and a 1st Movement and some bars of the 2nd Movement exist in manuscript in the British Library. The opening Scherzo belies the serious nature of the work. It is a light, airy 6. 8 in which the initial statement, with its all-important leap of a fifth, is first heard on clarinet and alto saxophone. This interval of a fifth is distilled, as if to draw our attention to it, before a fortissimo 8 bars in which the opening theme is repeated - the only fortissimo passage in the whole of the 1st movement. Holst achieves a 'folky,' almost modal, feel in the melody by allowing the 6th of the scale to remain natural. Whereas the 1st movement has a sylph-like delicacy, the second is at rest. Tranquil, especially in the beadth of the chorale, its simple key structure distills the tonal tension inherent in the tonic. dominant polarity. The oboe opening. again delineating the rising fifth of the first movement. is in F minor. a short cornet echo leads to C major for the first statement of the chorale. This leads back to F minor and a subtle development of the opening followed by the Chorale again this time in F minor and now allowed to build to a fortissimo climax before the movement fragments around the falling 6th of the opening. The peace is shattered by a triumphant March. We are in Bb minor again, and this movement is built on thematic contrasts. firstly the 'pesante' theme, then a hammered fanfare, followed by a playful leggiero tune. Like the Scherzo, this March has a Trio, the melody of which bears a definite resemblance to the Chorale of the 2nd movement. Most certainly, this linking device was subconscious on Holst's part, but with the predominant use of the interval of a fifth, it helps to explain the feeling that the Suite is thematically tightly-knit.
Moorside Suite. za godalni orkester. Ki ga sestavljajo D. Wright. Uredil Dennis Wright. Za godalni orkester. violina I, II violina, viola, violončelo, kontrabas. Orkester Glasba. Srednje. Rezultat in deli. Trajanje 12. 25. Izdala C. Alan publikacije. CN.R30002. Mojstrovina za godalni orkester. Holst je Moorside Suite je bila sestavljena leta 1928, ob koncu življenja skladatelja, in je mojstrovina svojo zrelost. Prvotno za pihalni orkester, Moorside Suite ohranja folk-song čar je, da je reprezentativen za Holst. Moorside Suite je mojstrovina zrelosti Holst je. Napisal leta 1928, 6 let pred smrtjo, dosega sintezo njegovega ustvarjalnega talenta kot skladatelja z močnimi folk pesmi vplivi 20 let prej. Naslov dela namiguje na državo, ki določa, vendar ne opisuje natančno lokacijo, in to se odraža v glasbenem materialu. Vpliv ljudskih pesmi je razvidno, vendar ne izrazite. Delo je bilo sprva za pihalni orkester, naročena za narodni Brass Band prvenstva potekala v Kristalni palači v Londonu, Englan. Denis Wright je bil glasbeni učenjak, in prepis je bila izvedena niti v Holst v življenju ali kmalu po njegovi smrti leta 1934. Ocena ni bila objavljena do leta 1983, in je bila znova uredil Geoffrey Brand. Zanimivo je, da Holst sam vedno namenjena za delo, ki se prepisano za "vojaški pas" in 1. Gibanje in obstajajo nekateri bari 2. Gibanja v rokopisu v British Library. Odpiranje Scherzo spodbijajo resno naravo dela. To je lahka, zračna 6. 8, v katerem so izjavo za javnost, s svojo vse-pomemben preskok petino, je prvič slišal za klarinet in alt saksofon. Ta interval petina je destilirana, kot če bi opozarjajo na to, preden nastopi Fortissimo 8 barov, v kateri je tema odpiranje ponovljenih - samo fortissimo prehod v celotnem 1. gibanja. Holst dosega "folky," skoraj modal, počutijo v melodiji, ki jo omogoča 6. lestvice ostala naravna. Ker je 1. gibanje po-Sylph kot poslastico, drugi pa v mirovanju. Mirno, še posebej v beadth v korala, njegova preprosta ključna struktura destilira tonsko napetost, ki izhaja iz tonika. Prevladujoči polarnost. Odprtje oboo. Ponovno razmejevanje naraščajoče petine prvim premikom. je v f-molu. Skratka kornet echo vodi v C-duru za prvo izjavo korala. To vodi nazaj v f-molu, in subtilen razvoj odprtju sledi koralno ponovno tokrat v f-molu in zdaj dovoljeno graditi na Fortissimo vrhunec pred fragmentov gibanja po spada 6. odprtine. Mir se razblinili zmagoslavno marca. Mi smo v B-molu še enkrat, in to gibanje temelji na tematskih nasprotij. najprej "pesante" tema, nato pa glasno fanfare, sledi igriv leggiero melodijo. Tako kot Scherzo, marca letos je trio, katerega melodija nosi dokončno spominja na koralno v 2. gibanja. Prav gotovo je bil to povezovanje naprava podzavest na Holst je del, vendar s prevladujočo rabo intervalu petino, da pomaga razložiti občutek, da je Suite tematsko tesno prepleteno.