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Viola Solo. Viola sheet music.


Viola solo. Viola note.


Viola Solo composed by David Saperstein. For solo viola. Engraved by Peter Jarvis. Score. Published by Calabrese Brothers Music, LLC. CE.CBM-11-00436. Viola Solo. 2011. was requested by Mel Goldfinger, who was a classmate of mine and fellow graduate of Rutherford High School. Doctor Goldfinger is a Professor of Neuroscience at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, and is active as a player in several local ensembles. He has always been a supporter of my music and it is with much pleasure, gratitude and respect that I dedicate this work to him. In one movement, which lasts approximately 3 1. 2 minutes, the Viola Solo, like other works of mine, is inspired by both classical works and elements of the popular culture. The entire work seems to arise out of a single minor third, the pitches C and E-Flat, which are stated at the beginning of the piece in the instrument's lowest register and then recur several times more throughout the work, each initiating a rising phrase. Sul ponticello tremolos and "snap" pizzicati. a la Bartok. are also features of the piece, adding to the work's palette of colors. Overall, the piece's mood is a somber one, and it concludes with the final instance of the work's opening minor third. -David Saperstein.


Viola Solo composed by David Saperstein. Za solo violo. Gravirano Peter Jarvis. Ocena. Izdala Calabrese Brothers Music, LLC. CE.CBM-11-00436. Viola solo. 2011. je zahteval Mel Goldfinger, ki je bil sošolec mojega kolega in diplomant Rutherford High School. Zdravnik Goldfinger je profesor nevroznanosti na Wright State University v Ohiu, in je dejaven kot akter v številnih lokalnih ansamblov. On je bil vedno zagovornik mojo glasbo in je z veliko ugodja, hvaležnosti in spoštovanja, ki posvečam to delo z njim. V enem stavku, ki traja približno 3 1. 2 minuti, Viola Solo, kot drugi del rudnika, ki se zgleduje po obeh klasičnih del in elemente popularne kulture. Celotno delo se zdi, da izhajajo iz enega manjšega tretjino parcele C in E-flat, ki so izkazane na začetku z delom v inštrumenta najnižjo registra in nato ponovil nekajkrat več v celotnem delu, vsak začetek naraščajoče frazo. Na Tremolos mostu in "snap" pizzicato. la Bartok. Prav tako ima v kosu, tako, da palete z delom v barvah. Na splošno razpoloženje kosu je odide eden, in zaključuje s končnim primer odpiranja manjše tretjine dela, je. -David Saperstein.