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Bad Reputation.


Bad Reputation.


Bad Reputation. The Unauthorized Biography of Joan Jett. Book. Softcover. 260 pages. Published by Backbeat Books. HL.332913. ISBN 0879309903. 6x9 inches. Bad Reputation is the unexpurgated story of Joan Jett, the single most exciting rocker of the American 1980s, one of the biggest-selling acts of the age, and one of punk rock's most valued elder statespeeps. Through its pages, a welter of exclusive interviews and observations paint what might well be the last great tale of rock hedonism, but one that comes with a twist in its tail. The rockers are women, the groupies are guys. It could have been the plot line for a movie or even a sitcom, but the Runaways, Jett's first band, made it happen, and Jett made it last. The first serious female rocker of the 1980s, Jett became the template for everyone that followed. But unlike so many of her peers and counterparts, she never lost her credibility, never sold out, and never gave up. And she has backed her reputation up with genuine star power, following the chart-topping “I Love Rock 'n' Roll” – one of the most played '80s anthems of all time – with “Crimson and Clover,” “Do You Wanna Touch Me,” and “I Hate Myself for Loving You” before the decade ended. And, while the 1990s saw Jett purposefully step away from the spotlight, she remained, and remains, America's number one Queen of Noise.


Bad Reputation. Nepooblaščena Življenjepis Joan Jett. Knjiga. Mehko prekrivalo. 260 strani. Izdala Backbeat Books. HL.332913. ISBN 0879309903. 6x9 cm. Bad Reputation je unexpurgated zgodba Joan Jett, ena najbolj razburljiv rocker ameriških 1980, ene največjih prodajanih aktov starosti, in eden od punk rocka najbolj cenjenih starejših statespeeps. Prek svojih straneh, Valovanje ekskluzivnih intervjujev in opazovanj barve, kar lahko prav tako zadnja velika zgodba o rocka hedonizem, ampak tisti, ki prihaja z zasuk v rep. V rockerji so ženske, so kurbice so fantje. To bi lahko bila parcela vrstica za film ali celo nadaljevanka, vendar The Runaways, prvi bend Jett je, je to zgodilo, in Jett je bilo nazadnje. Prvi resen ženski rocker od leta 1980, Jett je postal model za vsakogar, ki je sledila. Toda za razliko od tako mnogi od svojih vrstnikov in kolegi, nikoli izgubila verodostojnost, nikoli ni razprodan, in nikoli obupala. In ona je podprla njen ugled gor s pristno zvezdicami moči, po "I Love Rock 'n' Roll" chart-prehiteli - ena izmed največkrat predvajanih 80-ih himne vseh časov - z "Crimson in Clover", "Do You Wanna Touch Me "in" I Hate Myself za Loving You ", preden se je končalo desetletje. In medtem ko je 1990 videl Jett namensko korak stran od pozornosti, je ostala in je še vedno v Ameriki številka ena Queen of Noise.
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