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Anthology of Easier Classical Piano. Various. Piano Solo sheet music.
Antologija lažji Classical Piano. Various. Piano Solo note.
Anthology of Easier Classical Piano. 174 Favorite Piano Pieces by 44 Composers. Composed by Various. For Piano Solo. Misc. Softcover. 328 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.121510. ISBN 1480352632. 10x12 inches. Original piano repertoire with fingerings in a large 328-page comb-bound publication. Features 174 favorite pieces for lower intermediate to intermediate-level players by 44 composers, including. C. P. E. Bach. J. S. Bach. W. F. Bach. Beethoven. Blow. Burgmüller. de Chambonnières. Chopin. Cimarosa. Clementi. Corelli. Couperin. Dandrieu. Daquin. Debussy. Diabelli. Duncombe. Dussek. Ellmenreich. Frescobaldi. Grieg. Gurlitt. Handel. Haydn. Heller. Kirnberger. Kuhlau. Loeillet. MacDowell. Marchand. Mozart. Pachelbel. Petzold. Purcell. Rameau. Satie. A. Scarlatti. D. Scarlatti. Schubert. Schumann. Tchaikovsky. Telemann. Türk. Click “View Songlist” below for the complete content list. Beethoven. German Dance in C Major, WoO 8, No. 1. Beethoven. Ecossaise in E-flat Major, WoO 86. Clementi. Sonatina in C Major, Op. 36, No. 1. Haydn. Country Dance in C Major. Dussek. Sonatina in G Major, Op. 20, No. 1. Kuhlau. Sonatina in C Major, Op. 55, No. 1. Gurlitt. Grandfather's Birthday from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 13. Chopin. Prelude in E minor, Op. 28, No. 4. Chopin. Prelude in A Major, Op. 28, No. 7. Grieg. Waltz in A minor from ÂLyric PiecesÂ, Op. 12, No. 2. MacDowell. To a Wild Rose from ÂWoodland SketchesÂ, Op. 51, No. 1. Schumann. Hunting Song from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 7. Schumann. The Reaper's Song from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 18. Tchaikovsky. Sweet Dream from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 21. Anonymous. Minuet in G Major, BWV Appendix 116. Anonymous. Musette in D Major, BWV Appendix 126. Anonymous. Minuet in D minor, BWV Appendix 132. Blow. Courante in C Major. Blow. Prelude in C Major. Duncombe. Sonatina in C Major. Handel. Rigaudon in G Major. Handel. Sarabande from Suite in D minor, HWV 437. Pachelbel. Sarabande in B-flat Major. Petzold. Minuet in G Major, BWV Appendix 114. Petzold. Minuet in G minor, BWV Appendix 115. A. Scarlatti. Aria in D minor. Clementi. Sonatina in C Major, Op. 36, No. 3. Diabelli. Sonatina in G Major, Op. 151, No. 1. Anonymous. Minuet in C minor, BWV Appendix 121. C. P. E. Bach. March in D Major, BWV Appendix 122. C. P. E. Bach. March in G Major, BWV Appendix 124. C. P. E. Bach. Solfeggietto in C minor, H. 220. J. S. Bach. Prelude in C Major from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1, BWV 846. J. S. Bach. Prelude in C Major, BWV 924. J. S. Bach. Prelude in C Major, BWV 939. J. S. Bach. Prelude in C minor, BWV 999. W. F. Bach. Allegro in A Major. Beethoven. Bagatelle in C Major, Op. 33, No. 2. Beethoven. Bagatelle in F Major, Op. 33, No. 3. Beethoven. Minuet in G Major, WoO 10, No. 2. Beethoven. LÃndler in D Major, WoO 11, No. 4. Beethoven. LÃndler in D Major, WoO 11, No. 7. Beethoven. German Dance in B-flat Major, WoO 13, No. 2. Beethoven. Contradance in C Major, Woo 14, No. 1. Beethoven. Six Country Dances, WoO 15. Beethoven. Ecossaise in G Major, WoO 23. Beethoven. Ecossaise in E-flat Major, WoO 83. Beethoven. Sonatina in F Major, Anh. 5, No. 1. Beethoven. Sonatina in G Major, Anh. 5, No. 2. BurgmÃller. Sincerity from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ,Op. 100, No. 1. BurgmÃller. Arabesque from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ,Op. 100, No. 2. BurgmÃller. Pastorale from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 3. BurgmÃller. Innocence from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 5. BurgmÃller. Progress from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 6. BurgmÃller. The Limpid Stream from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 7ONGM. BurgmÃller. The Chase from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 9. BurgmÃller. Austrian Dance from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 14. BurgmÃller. Inquietude from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 18. BurgmÃller. Ave Maria from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 19. BurgmÃller. Harmony of the Angels from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 21. BurgmÃller. The Return from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 23. ChambonniÃres. Canaries. ChambonniÃres. Sarabande in G Major. Chopin. Mazurka in F Major, Op. 68. No. 3. Posthumous. Cimarosa. Sonata in G Major. Clementi. Arietta in C Major from ÂAn Introduction to the Art of Playing on the PianoforteÂ, Op. 42. Clementi. Spanish Dance from ÂAn Introduction to the Art of Playing on the PianoforteÂ, Op. 42. Corelli. Gavotta in F Major. Couperin. Benevolent Cuckoos Under Yellow Dominos from ÂFrench Follies, or Costumes at a Masked Ball. Couperin. Cradle Song. Couperin. The Little Trifle. Dandrieu. Lament. Daquin. The Cuckoo. Debussy. Le petit nÃgre. Ellmenreich. Spinning Song, Op. 14, No. 4. Frescobaldi. Gagliarda in G minor. Grieg. Watchman's Song from ÂLyric PiecesÂ, Op. 12, No. 3. Grieg. Folksong from ÂLyric PiecesÂ, Op. 38, No. 2. Grieg. Sailor's Song from ÂLyrics PiecesÂ, Op. 68, No. 1. Gurlitt. March in D Major from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 1. Gurlitt. Morning Prayer from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 2. Gurlitt. A Sunshiny Morning from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 3. Gurlitt. Northern Strains from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 4. Gurlitt. By the Spring from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 5. Gurlitt. Lullaby from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 6. Gurlitt. Lament from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 7. Gurlitt. Waltz in C Major from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 11. Gurlitt. Valse Noble from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 14. Handel. Courante in G Major. Handel. Minuet in F Major. Haydn. Allegro in F Major. Haydn. Dance in G Major. Heller. The Brook from Â25 Melodious EtudesÂ, Op. 45, No. 1. Heller. Avalanche from Â25 Melodious EtudesÂ, Op. 45, No. 2. Heller. Over Hill and Dale from Â25 Melodious EtudesÂ, Op. 45, No. 24. Heller. Etude in C Major from Â25 StudiesÂ, Op. 47, No. 19. Heller. Prelude in C minor from Â32 PreludesÂ, Op.119, No. 25. Kirnberger. The Chimes. Kuhlau. Sonatina in C Major, Op. 55, No. 3. Loeillet. Minuet in D Major. Marchand. Minuet in G minor. Mozart. Minuet in G Major, K. 1. Mozart. Andante in C Major, K. 1a. Mozart. Minuet in F Major, K. 1d. Mozart. Minuet in F Major, K. 2. Mozart. Minuet in F Major, K. 5. Mozart. Minuet in C Major, K. 6. Mozart. Minuet in F Major, K. 6. II. Mozart. Minuet in D Major, K. 7. Mozart. Minuet in G Major, K.15c. Mozart. Contradance in G Major, K. 15e. Mozart. Minuet in G Major, K. 15y. Mozart. Andante in E-flat Major, K. 15mm. Mozart. Minuet in B-flat Major, K. 15pp. Mozart. Minuet in E-flat Major, K. 15qq. Mozart. Minuet in D Major, K. 94. 73h. Mozart. Air in A-flat Major, K. Anh. 109b, No. 8. 15ff. Mozart. Andantino in E-flat Major, K. 236. 588b. Purcell. Suite No. 1 in G Major. Rameau. Tambourin in E minor. Satie. GymnopÃdie No. 1. D. Scarlatti. Sonata in G Major, L. 79. K. 391, P.364. D. Scarlatti. Sonata in C Major, L. 217. K. 73b, P. 80. D. Scarlatti. Sonata in A minor, L. 378. K. 3. D. Scarlatti. Sonata in D minor, L. 423. K. 32, P.14. D. Scarlatti. Sonata in A Major, L. 483. K. 322, P. 360. Schubert. Waltz in A-flat Major, Op. 9, No. 12. D.365. Schubert. Waltz in B minor, Op. 18, No. 5. D. 145. Schubert. Waltz in F minor, Op. 33, No. 14. D. 783. Schubert. Waltz in A-flat Major, Op. 33, No. 15. D. 783. Schumann. Of Strange Lands and People from ÂScenes from ChildhoodÂ, Op. 15, No. 1. Schumann. An Important Event from ÂScenes from ChildhoodÂ, Op. 15, No. 6. Schumann. Melody from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 1. Schumann. Soldier's March from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 2. Schumann. Humming Song from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 3. Schumann. Little Piece from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 5. Schumann. The Wild Horseman from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 8. Schumann. The Happy Farmer Returning from Work from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 10. Schumann. Little Study from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 14. Schumann. First Loss from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 16. Tchaikovsky. Morning Prayer from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 1. Tchaikovsky. Mama from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 3. Tchaikovsky. The Sick Doll from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 6. Tchaikovsky. The Doll's Burial from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 7. Tchaikovsky. The New Doll from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 9. Tchaikovsky. Russian Song from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 11. Tchaikovsky. The Peasant Play the Accordion from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 12. Tchaikovsky. Italian Song from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 15. Tchaikovsky. Old French Song from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 16. Tchaikovsky. The Organ Grinder from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 23. Tchaikovsky. In Church from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 24. Telemann. Dance in G Major. TÃrk. Children's Ballet. TÃrk. The Dancing Master. TÃrk. Little Rondo in F Major.
Antologija lažji Classical Piano. 174 Favorite Piano Pieces by 44 Composers. Sestavljajo ga Various. Za klavir solo. Razno. Mehko prekrivalo. 328 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.121510. ISBN 1480352632. 10x12 cm. Original piano repertoire with fingerings in a large 328-page comb-bound publication. Features 174 favorite pieces for lower intermediate to intermediate-level players by 44 composers, including. C. P. E. Bach. J. S. Bach. W. F. Bach. Beethoven. Blow. Burgmüller. de Chambonnières. Chopin. Cimarosa. Clementi. Corelli. Couperina. Dandrieu. Daquin. Debussy. Diabelli. Duncombe. Dussek. Ellmenreich. Frescobaldi. Grieg. Gurlitt. Trgovina. Haydn. Heller. Kirnberger. Kuhlau. Loeillet. MacDowell. Prodajalec. Mozart. Pachelbel. Petzold. Purcell. Branch. Satie. A. Scarlatti. D. Scarlatti. Schubert. Schumann. Čajkovski. Telemann. Türk. Click “View Songlist” below for the complete content list. Beethoven. Nemška Ples v C-duru, Woo 8, številka 1. Beethoven. Ecossaise v E-duru, woo 86. Clementi. Sonatina v C-duru, op. 36, št 1. Haydn. Država Ples v C-duru. Dussek. Sonatina v G-duru, op. 20, št 1. Kuhlau. Sonatina v C-duru, op. 55, št 1. Gurlitt. Dedka rojstni dan od ÂAlbumleaves za YoungÂ, op. . Chopin. Preludij v e-molu, op. 28, št 4. Chopin. Uvod v A-duru, op. 28, št 7. Grieg. Valček v A-molu iz ÂLyric PiecesÂ, op. 12, No. 2. MacDowell. Na Wild Rose iz ÂWoodland SketchesÂ, op. 51, št 1. Schumann. Lov skladbe s ÂAlbum za YoungÂ, op. 68, številka 7. Schumann. Reaper je pesmi iz ÂAlbum za YoungÂ, op. 68, št 18. Čajkovski. Sweet Dream iz ÂAlbum za YoungÂ, op. 39, št 21. Anonymous. Menuet v G-duru, BWV dodatku 116. Anonymous. Musette v D-duru, BWV dodatku 126. Anonymous. Menuet v d-molu, BWV 132 Dodatek. Blow. Courante v C-duru. Blow. Uvod v C-duru. Duncombe. Sonatina v C-duru. Trgovina. Rigaudon v G-duru. Trgovina. Sarabanda iz suite v D molu, HWV 437. Pachelbel. Sarabanda v B-duru. Petzold. Menuet v G-duru, BWV dodatku 114. Petzold. Menuet v g-molu, BWV 115 Dodatek. A. Scarlatti. Aria v d-molu. Clementi. Sonatina v C-duru, op. 36, št 3. Diabelli. Sonatina v G-duru, op. 151, št 1. Anonymous. Minuet in C minor, BWV Appendix 121. C. P. E. Bach. Marca v D-duru, BWV 122 Dodatek. C. P. E. Bach. Marca v G-duru, BWV 124 Dodatek. C. P. E. Bach. Solfeggietto v c-molu, H. 220. J. S. Bach. Prelude in C Major from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1, BWV 846. J. S. Bach. Uvod v C-duru, BWV 924. J. S. Bach. Uvod v C-duru, BWV 939. J. S. Bach. Uvod v c-molu, BWV 999. W. F. Bach. Allegro v A-duru. Beethoven. Bagatelle in C Major, Op. 33, No. 2. Beethoven. Bagatelle in F Major, Op. 33, No. 3. Beethoven. Menuet v G-duru, Woo 10, št 2. Beethoven. LÃndler in D Major, WoO 11, No. 4. Beethoven. LÃndler in D Major, WoO 11, No. 7. Beethoven. Nemška Ples v B-duru, Woo 13, št 2. Beethoven. Contradance in C Major, Woo 14, No. 1. Beethoven. Six Country Dances, WoO 15. Beethoven. Ecossaise v G-duru, woo 23. Beethoven. Ecossaise in E-flat Major, WoO 83. Beethoven. Sonatina in F Major, Anh. 5, No. 1. Beethoven. Sonatina in G Major, Anh. 5, No. 2. BurgmÃller. Sincerity from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ,Op. 100, No. 1. BurgmÃller. Arabesque from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ,Op. 100, No. 2. BurgmÃller. Pastorale from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 3. BurgmÃller. Innocence from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 5. BurgmÃller. Progress from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 6. BurgmÃller. The Limpid Stream from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 7ONGM. BurgmÃller. The Chase from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 9. BurgmÃller. Austrian Dance from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 14. BurgmÃller. Inquietude from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 18. BurgmÃller. Ave Maria from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 19. BurgmÃller. Harmony of the Angels from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 21. BurgmÃller. The Return from Â25 Progressive StudiesÂ, Op. 100, No. 23. ChambonniÃres. Kanarski otoki. ChambonniÃres. Sarabanda v G-duru. Chopin. Mazurka in F Major, Op. 68. Številka 3. Posmrtna. Cimarosa. Sonata v G-duru. Clementi. Arietta in C Major from ÂAn Introduction to the Art of Playing on the PianoforteÂ, Op. 42. Clementi. Spanish Dance from ÂAn Introduction to the Art of Playing on the PianoforteÂ, Op. 42. Corelli. Gavotta in F Major. Couperina. Ugodnim Cuckoos Under Yellow Dominos od ÂFrench Follies, ali Kostumi na Ples v maskah. Couperina. Cradle Song. Couperina. Mala malenkost. Dandrieu. Lament. Daquin. Cuckoo. Debussy. Majhna Nagre. Ellmenreich. Spinning Song, op. 14, št 4. Frescobaldi. Gagliarda in G minor. Grieg. Watchman's Song from ÂLyric PiecesÂ, Op. 12, No. 3. Grieg. Folksong from ÂLyric PiecesÂ, Op. 38, No. 2. Grieg. Sailor's Song from ÂLyrics PiecesÂ, Op. 68, No. 1. Gurlitt. March in D Major from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 1. Gurlitt. Morning Prayer from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 2. Gurlitt. A Sunshiny Morning from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 3. Gurlitt. Northern Strains from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 4. Gurlitt. By the Spring from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 5. Gurlitt. Lullaby from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 6. Gurlitt. Lament from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 7. Gurlitt. Waltz in C Major from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 11. Gurlitt. Valse Noble from ÂAlbumleaves for the YoungÂ, Op. 101, No. 14. Trgovina. Courante in G Major. Trgovina. Menuet v F-duru. Haydn. Allegro v F-duru. Haydn. Ples v G-duru. Heller. The Brook from Â25 Melodious EtudesÂ, Op. 45, No. 1. Heller. Avalanche from Â25 Melodious EtudesÂ, Op. 45, No. 2. Heller. Over Hill and Dale from Â25 Melodious EtudesÂ, Op. 45, No. 24. Heller. Etude in C Major from Â25 StudiesÂ, Op. 47, No. 19. Heller. Prelude in C minor from Â32 PreludesÂ, Op.119, No. 25. Kirnberger. Zvončki. Kuhlau. Sonatina v C-duru, op. 55, št 3. Loeillet. Menuet v D-duru. Prodajalec. Menuet v g-molu. Mozart. Menuet v G-duru, K. 1. Mozart. Andante in C Major, K. 1a. Mozart. Minuet in F Major, K. 1d. Mozart. Menuet v F-duru, K. 2. Mozart. Minuet in F Major, K. 5. Mozart. Menuet v C-duru, K. 6. Mozart. Menuet v F-duru, K. 6. II. Mozart. Menuet v D-duru, K. 7. Mozart. Menuet v G-duru, K.15c. Mozart. Contradance in G Major, K. 15e. Mozart. Minuet in G Major, K. 15y. Mozart. Andante v E-duru, K. 15mm. Mozart. Minuet in B-flat Major, K. 15pp. Mozart. Minuet in E-flat Major, K. 15qq. Mozart. Menuet v D-duru, K. 94. 73h. Mozart. Air in A-flat Major, K. Anh. 109b, No. 8. 15ff. Mozart. Andantino v E-duru, K. 236. 588b. Purcell. Apartma številka 1 v G-duru. Branch. Tambourin in E minor. Satie. GymnopÃdie številka 1. D. Scarlatti. Sonata v G-duru, L. 79. K. 391, P.364. D. Scarlatti. Sonata v C-duru, L. 217. K. 73b, P. 80. D. Scarlatti. Sonata in A minor, L. 378. K. 3. D. Scarlatti. Sonata v D molu, L. 423. K. 32, P.14. D. Scarlatti. Sonata v A-duru, L. 483. K. 322, P. 360. Schubert. Waltz in A-flat Major, Op. 9, No. 12. D.365. Schubert. Waltz in B minor, Op. 18, No. 5. D. 145. Schubert. Waltz in F minor, Op. 33, No. 14. D. 783. Schubert. Waltz in A-flat Major, Op. 33, No. 15. D. 783. Schumann. Of Strange Lands and People from ÂScenes from ChildhoodÂ, Op. 15, No. 1. Schumann. An Important Event from ÂScenes from ChildhoodÂ, Op. 15, No. 6. Schumann. Melody from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 1. Schumann. Soldier's March from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 2. Schumann. Humming Song from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 3. Schumann. Little Piece from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 5. Schumann. The Wild Horseman from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 8. Schumann. The Happy Farmer Returning from Work from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 10. Schumann. Little Study from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 14. Schumann. First Loss from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 68, No. 16. Čajkovski. Morning Prayer from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 1. Čajkovski. Mama from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 3. Čajkovski. The Sick Doll from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 6. Čajkovski. The Doll's Burial from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 7. Čajkovski. The New Doll from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 9. Čajkovski. Russian Song from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 11. Čajkovski. The Peasant Play the Accordion from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 12. Čajkovski. Italian Song from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 15. Čajkovski. Old French Song from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 16. Čajkovski. The Organ Grinder from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 23. Čajkovski. In Church from ÂAlbum for the YoungÂ, Op. 39, No. 24. Telemann. Ples v G-duru. Tark. Otroška baletna. Tark. Dancing Master. Tark. Little Rondo in F Major.