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40 Pop. Rock Hits. Various. Easy Guitar sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music.


40 Pop. Rock Hits. Various. Easy Guitar note. Electric Guitar note.


40 Pop. Rock Hits. Just the Chords and Lyrics to Your Favorite Pop. Rock Hits. By Various. For Guitar. Easy Guitar. 88 pages. Published by Cherry Lane Music. HL.2500633. ISBN 1575606771. 9x12 inches. This super Strum & Sing songbook features 40 pop. rock hits unplugged and pared down to just the chords and the lyrics. Perfect for both aspiring musicians and pros, it includes easy-to-play arrangements of. Amazed. Day-O. Ebony and Ivory. Fly Away. From a Distance. Hang On Sloopy. Hanging by a Moment. Hungry Eyes. I Walk the Line. Just the Two of Us. Leaving on a Jet Plane. The Middle. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Tell Him. Twist and Shout. What a Wonderful World. Yellow Submarine. and many more. Fly Away. Hero. Runaway. On And On. Rocky Mountain High. Amazed. When You Believe. From The Prince Of Egypt. Wide Open Spaces. Hanging By A Moment. Annie's Song. MMM Bop. The Middle. California Girls. The Candy Man. Day-O. The Banana Boat Song. Ebony And Ivory. From A Distance. Garden Song. Hang On Sloopy. Hungry Eyes. I Want To Know What Love Is. i've Had. The Time Of My Life. Knock Three Times. Leaving On A Jet Plane. Monster Mash. Mr. Spaceman. Puff The Magic Dragon. Space Oddity. Summer Breeze. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Tell Her. Tell Him. Twist And Shout. What a Wonderful World. Yellow Submarine. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life. Just The Two Of Us. Open Arms. Piece of My Heart. I Walk The Line. Let's Get Together. Get Together.


40 Pop. Rock Hits. Samo akordi in Lyrics svojo najljubšo Pop. Rock Hits. Z različnimi. Za kitaro. Easy Guitar. 88 strani. Izdala Cherry Lane Music. HL.2500633. ISBN 1575606771. 9x12 cm. Ta super Preigravajte. rock uspešnice odklopljen in omejimo samo akordov in lyrics. Kot nalašč za tako ambicioznimi glasbeniki in profesionalci, vključuje Easy-to-play ureditev. Presenetiti. Day-O. Ebony in Ivory. Fly Away. Od daleč. Hang On Sloopy. Visi trenutek. Hungry Eyes. I Walk the Line. Samo midva. Odhodom na Jet Plane. Bližnji. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Povej mu,. Twist and Shout. Kaj Wonderful World. Yellow Submarine. in še veliko več. Fly Away. Hero. Runaway. Naprej in naprej. Rocky Mountain Visoka. Presenetiti. When You Believe. Od princ Egipta. Prostrana divjina. Hanging By A Moment. Annie Song. MMM Bop. Bližnji. California Girls. Candy Man. Day-O. Banana Boat Song. Ebony in Ivory. Od daleč. Garden Song. Hang On Sloopy. Hungry Eyes. I Want To Know What Love Is. Imel sem. Čas Of My Life. Knock trikrat. Leaving On A Jet Plane. Monster Mash. G. Spaceman. Puff The Magic Dragon. Prostor nenavadno. Summer Breeze. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Povej ji. Povej mu,. Twist and Shout. Kaj Wonderful World. Yellow Submarine. Se Sunshine Of My Life. Just The Two Of Us. Odprtimi rokami. Piece of My Heart. I Walk The Line. Pojdimo skupaj. Get Together.
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