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Sa nuit d'ete. Morten Lauridsen. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.


Njegova poletna noč. Morten Lauridsen. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note.


Sa nuit d'ete. from Nocturnes SATB and Piano. Composed by Morten Lauridsen. 1943-. For Choral. Peermusic Classical. Softcover. 12 pages. Peermusic #62126-122. Published by Peermusic. HL.229067. Four poems sharing a common motif of 'Night' provide the texts for my choral cycle Nocturnes, the American Choral Directors Association's commissioned work for its 2005 national convention. For Rilke's atmospheric “Sa nuit d'ete,” several melodic themes are supported by dense, colorful harmonies in both the choral and piano parts, leading to a climactic section where all are combined and stated simultaneously. Neruda's “Soneto de la Noche,” from his Cien Sonetos de Amor, speaks of an eternal love that transcends death while reaffirming life. My a cappella setting of this gorgeous poem is predominantly quiet, serene and folk-like, utilizing direct harmonies accompanying long, lyrical vocal lines. Agee's wondrous “Sure on this Shining Night” is set much like a song from the American musical theater, a genre for which I have held a life-long esteem. Rilke's poignant “Voici le soir” recalls the opening bell sounds and jazz-tinged chords of the first movement and serves as an epilogue, quietly concluding this cycle of night songs as darkness descends. --Morten Lauridsen.


Njegova poletna noč. od nokturni SATB in klavir. Ki ga sestavljajo Morten Lauridsen. 1943 -. Za zborovsko. Peermusic Classical. Mehko prekrivalo. 12 strani. Peermusic. Izdala Peermusic. HL.229067. Štiri pesmi, ki si delijo skupen motiv "Night" zagotoviti besedil za moje zborovskih nokturni cikla, ameriški Zborovske ZDRUŽENJE naročena dela za svojo nacionalno konvencijo 2005. Za Rilke je atmosferski "Sa nuit d'ete," več melodične teme so podprte z gostim, Barvite harmonije v obeh delih zborovskih in klavir, ki vodijo do climactic odseku, kjer so vsi v kombinaciji in naveden hkrati. Neruda je "Soneto de la Noche," svojega Cien Sonetos de Amor, ki govori o večni ljubezni, ki presega smrt pa utrdili življenje. Moje nastavitve cappella to krasen pesmi je pretežno tiho, mirno in folk, kot so, z uporabo neposredne harmonije, ki spremljajo dolge, lirične vokalnih linij. Agee je čudežna "Seveda na tej Shining Night" je nastavljena podobno kot pesem iz ameriškega glasbenega gledališča, žanr, za katerega sem imel vseživljenjskega samozavesti. Rilke je bridki "Voici le soir" se spominja odpiranje zvonec zvoki in-jazz obarvana tetive prvega stavka se in služi kot epilog, tiho sklenitvijo te cikel nočnih pesmi, kot tema spusti. - Morten Lauridsen.
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