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What Praise Can I Play on Sunday. , Book 3. Carol Tornquist. Piano Solo sheet music. Advanced.


Kaj Pohvale lahko igram v nedeljo. , Book 3. Carol Tornquist. Piano Solo note. Napredno.


What Praise Can I Play on Sunday. , Book 3. May & June Services. 10 Easily Prepared Piano Arrangements. Arranged by Carol Tornquist. For Piano. Book. Piano Collection. Piano Supplemental. Sacred Performer Collections. Ascension. Contemporary Christian. Father's Day. Hymn. Mother's Day. Pentecost. Sacred. Spring. Summer. Trinity Sunday. Early Advanced. Late Intermediate. 40 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.38784. ISBN 0739084070. Ascension. Contemporary Christian. Father's Day. Hymn. Mother's Day. Pentecost. Sacred. Spring. Summer. Trinity Sunday. What Praise Can I Play on Sunday. is a series of six books of worship favorites, each book designed for busy pianists who require accessible arrangements. Book 3 contains selections for holidays and holy days that occur during May and June, including Mother's Day, Ascension, Father's Day, Pentecost, and Trinity Sunday. It also contains several general praise songs. Titles. Ancient of Days. Jamie Harvill and Gary Sadler. Blessings. Laura Story. The Family Prayer Song. Morris Chapman. Holy Is the Lord. Chris Tomlin. Holy Spirit, Rain Down. Russell Fragar. Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer. Keith Getty and Margaret Becker. Open the Eyes of My Heart. Paul Baloche. Revelation Song. Jennie Lee Riddle. There Is a Redeemer. Melody Green. A Thousand Little Things. Point of Grace. Alfred's Sacred Performer Series offers church musicians a great source of beautiful piano arrangements of both traditional and contemporary sacred literature, ideal for use in general, seasonal, and special services such as weddings and funerals. Ancient of Days. Ascension. Blessings. General. The Family Prayer Song. Father's Day. Holy Is the Lord. General. Holy Spirit, Rain Down. Pentecost. Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer. General. Open the Eyes of My Heart. General. Revelation Song. General. There Is a Redeemer. Trinity Sunday. A Thousand Little Things. Mother's Day.


Kaj Pohvale lahko igram v nedeljo. , Book 3. Maj. 10 Preprosto Pripravljeni Piano Dogovori. Urejene po Carol Tornquist. Za klavir. Knjiga. Piano Collection. Dodatni načrt. Svete Performer Zbirke. Ascension. Sodobna Christian. Očetovski dan. Himna. Materinski dan. Binkošti. Sacred. Pomlad. Poletje. Trinity nedelja. Zgodnje Napredno. Pozna Intermediate. 40 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.38784. ISBN 0739084070. Ascension. Sodobna Christian. Očetovski dan. Himna. Materinski dan. Binkošti. Sacred. Pomlad. Poletje. Trinity nedelja. Kaj Pohvale lahko igram v nedeljo. je niz šestih knjig čaščenja priljubljene, vsako knjigo, namenjeni za zaposlene pianistov, ki potrebujejo dostopne ureditev. Knjiga vsebuje 3 izbire za praznike in verskih praznikih, ki se pojavijo v maju in juniju, tudi materinski dan, vnebohoda, Očetovski dan, binkošti, in Trinity nedelja. Vsebuje tudi več splošne pohvale pesmi. Naslovi. Ancient of Days. Jamie Harvill in Gary Sadler. Blagoslovil. Laura Story. Družina Molitev Song. Morris Chapman. Sveti Je Gospod. Chris Tomlin. Sveti Duh, deževalo. Russell Fragar. Jezus, Draw Me Ever bliže. Keith Getty in Margaret Becker. Odprite oči srca. Paul Baloche. Revelation Song. Jennie Lee Riddle. Tam je Odrešenik. Melody Green. A Thousand Little Things. Point of Grace. Alfred je Sacred Performer Series ponuja Cerkev glasbenikom velik vir lepih dogovorov klavirskih tako tradicionalne in sodobne sakralne literature, kar je idealno za uporabo pri splošnih, sezonskih in posebnih storitev, kot so poroke in pogrebe. Ancient of Days. Ascension. Blagoslovil. Splošno. Družina Molitev Song. Očetovski dan. Sveti Je Gospod. Splošno. Sveti Duh, deževalo. Binkošti. Jezus, Draw Me Ever bliže. Splošno. Odprite oči srca. Splošno. Revelation Song. Splošno. Tam je Odrešenik. Trinity nedelja. A Thousand Little Things. Materinski dan.