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Diver Down. Van Halen. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music.


Potapljač dol. Van Halen. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note.


Diver Down by Van Halen. Van Halen. For Guitar. Artist. Personality. Authentic Guitar TAB. Guitar Personality. Guitar TAB. Authentic Guitar-Tab Editions. Metal and hard rock. Guitar tablature songbook. Guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics and chord names. 84 pages. Alfred Music #29045. Published by Alfred Music. HL.700559. ISBN 0739050028. With guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics and chord names. metal and hard rock. 9x12 inches. Alfred's Classic Album Editions series features a variety of songbooks to match groundbreaking albums from bands that have changed the course of musical history. The series would never be complete without these classic Van Halen hits. This acclaimed album spent an astonishing 65 weeks on the U.S. album charts. From Van Halen's own popular songs to famous covers such as "Oh Pretty Woman," the album remains a favorite over the years. Where Have All The good Times Gone. Hang 'Em High. Cathedral. Secrets. Intruder. Oh. Pretty Woman. Dancing In The Streets. Little Guitars. Intro. Big Bad. Is Sweet William Now. The Full Bug.


Diver Down by Van Halen. Van Halen. Za kitaro. Umetnik. Osebnost. Authentic Guitar TAB. Kitara Osebnost. Guitar TAB. Verodostojna Guitar-Tab Editions. Kovine in hard rock. Guitar tablature pesmarica. Kitara tablature, standardni zapis, vokalna melodija, besedilo in imena tetiva. 84 strani. Альфред Музыка. Objavljeno Alfred Music. HL.700559. ISBN 0739050028. S kitaro tablature, standardni zapis, vokalna melodija, besedilo in imena tetiva. metal in hard rock. 9x12 cm. Alfred Classic Album Editions serija ponuja različne songbooks, da se ujemajo prelomne albume bendov, ki so spremenile potek glasbene zgodovine. Serija nikoli ne bi bil popoln brez teh klasičnih Van Halen zadetkov. Ta priznani album preživel Osupljiv 65 tednov na lestvice najbolje prodajanih albumov v ZDA. Od Van Halen lastnih popevk do znanih prevlek, kot so Oh Pretty Woman, album ostaja favorit v preteklih letih. Kjer so vsi dobri Times Gone. Hang 'Em High. Katedrala. Skrivnosti. Intruder. Oh. Pretty Woman. Dancing In The Streets. Malo kitare. Intro. Big Bad. Je Sweet William zdaj. Polna Bug.
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