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Songs of the Rainbow Children. South African Songs and Games. Cheryl Lavender. Choir sheet music.


Pesmi Mavrični otrok. Južnoafriški Pesmi in igre. Cheryl Lavender. Zbor note.


Songs of the Rainbow Children. South African Songs and Games. composed by Cheryl Lavender. For Choral. TEACHER ED. Expressive Art. Choral. 56 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.9970123. Experience the music, the history and culture of the rainbow children of South Africa with this exciting collection of 8 authentic folk songs and games by Cheryl Lavender. Comes complete with teaching and performance suggestions, instrumental accompaniments, and movement patterns. These songs, arranged for 2-Part, 3-Part, and 4-Part Treble voices, were gathered during her 'teacher to teacher' trip to South Africa in October of 1996. Songs include. 'Impuku Nekati', 'Ra Sila Mielie', 'Thula Thu'', 'Mangwani Mpulele', 'Singabahambayo', 'Siyahamba', 'Jikel' Emaweni', 'N'kosi Sikelel' I Afrika'. Available. Song Collection, CD. Performance. Accompaniment. For All Ages. Impuku Nekati. The Mouse And Cat. Jikel' Emaweni. Throw It In The Slope. Mangwani Mpulele. Auntie, Open The Door. N'kosi Sikelel' I Afrika. African National Anthem. Singabahambayo. An Army Is Marching. Siyahamba. We Are Marching In The Light Of God. Thula Thu'. Hush, Hush. Ra Si'La Miele. Grind The Meal.


Pesmi Mavrični otrok. Južnoafriški Pesmi in igre. ki ga sestavljajo Cheryl Lavender. Za zborovsko. UČITELJ ED. Izrazna umetnost. Zborovska. 56 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.9970123. Doživite glasbo, zgodovino in kulturo otrok Mavrica Južni Afriki s tem zanimivem zbiranje 8 avtentičnih ljudskih pesmi in igre s Cheryl Lavender. Opremljen z učnimi in predlogi za uspešnost, instrumentalnih spremljav in gibalnih vzorcev. Te pesmi, urejena za 2-delna, 3-delu, in 4-Part Treble glasove, so bili zbrani v času njenega "učitelja do učitelja" potovanje v Južno Afriko oktobra 1996. Pesmi vključuje. "Impuku Nekati", "Ra Sila Mielie", "Thuja Thu'', 'Mangwani Mpulele", "Singabahambayo", "Siyahamba", "Jikel" Emaweni "," N'kosi Sikelel' I Afrika ". Na voljo. Song Collection, CD. Uspešnost. Spremljava. Za vse starosti. Impuku Nekati. Mouse In Cat. Jikel "Emaweni. Vrzi pobočju. Mangwani Mpulele. Teta, Open Door. N'kosi Sikelel 'I Afrika. African National Anthem. Singabahambayo. Vojska je korakajo. Siyahamba. Mi smo korakali v luči Božje. Thuja Thu ". Hush, Hush. Ra Si'La Miele. Grind obroku.
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