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Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium. Deluxe Bass Edition. The Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium. Deluxe Bass Edition. Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium. Deluxe Bass Edition. Book. 2-CD Pack. By The Red Hot Chili Peppers. For Bass. Bass Recorded Versions. Softcover with CD. 232 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.690863. ISBN 1423420012. 9x12 inches. The two CDs included with this awesome book. CD pack feature isolated recordings of Flea's actual bass lines. and John Frusciante's searing guitar parts. straight from the Peppers' smash-hit double album. Follow along with the exact note-for-note transcriptions with tab while listening to Flea's tracks and you will master every song on Stadium Arcadium. 28 songs. Dani California. Hard to Concentrate. Hump de Bump. If. Readymade. Slow Cheetah. Snow. Hey Oh. Tell Me Baby. Wet Sand. and more. 2007 Grammy Winner for Best Rock Album, Best Rock Song, Best Rock Performance. On the heels of the success of Guitar Recorded Versions, Hal Leonard introduced Bass Recorded Versions. Finally, bass guitar players can keep up with their guitar counterparts with these off-the-record transcriptions expressly done for bass guitar. Each book contains notes and tablature. We Believe. If. Readymade. Animal Bar. C'Mon Girl. Charlie. Dani California. Death Of A Martian. Desecration Smile. Especially In Michigan. Hard To Concentrate. Hey. Hump De Bump. Make You Feel Better. She Looks To Me. She's Only 18. Slow Cheetah. Snow. Hey Oh. So Much I. Stadium Arcadium. Storm In A Teacup. Strip My Mind. Tell Me Baby. Torture Me. Turn It Again. Warlocks. Wet Sand. 21st Century.
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium. Deluxe Bass Edition. Knjiga. 2-CD Pack. By The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Za Bass. Bass Posneti Različice. Mehko prekrivalo s CD-ja. 232 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.690863. ISBN 1423420012. 9x12 cm. Dva CD vključen v to super knjigo. Funkcija CD paket izolirane posnetki dejanskih bas linijami Flea je. in propadla deli kitara John Frusciante je. naravnost iz-smash hit dvojnega albuma paprike ". Sledite skupaj s točnimi note-za-note transkripcij z jezičkom ob poslušanju skladb bolha in boste obvladali vse pesmi na Stadium Arcadium. 28 pesmi. Dani California. Trdi, da se osredotoči. Grba de Bump. Če. Readymade. Slow Cheetah. Snow. Hey Oh. Tell Me Baby. Wet Sand. in bolj. 2007 Grammy zmagovalec za najboljši rock album, Best Rock Song, Best Rock Uspešnost. Na petah uspeha Guitar knjiženimi Različice, Hal Leonard predstavil Bass Posneti različice. Končno, bas kitara igralcev držati korak s svojimi kitarskimi kolegi s temi off-the-zapis transkripcij izrecno stori za bas kitaro. Vsaka knjiga vsebuje opombe in tablature. Prepričani smo,. Če. Readymade. Animal Bar. C'Mon Girl. Charlie. Dani California. Death Of Martian. Oskrunjena so Smile. Zlasti v Michiganu. Težko se je zbrati. Hej. Grba De Bump. Make You Feel Better. Ona me gleda. She's Only 18. Slow Cheetah. Snow. Hey Oh. So Much I. Stadium Arcadium. Neurje v Šolja za čaj. Strip My Mind. Tell Me Baby. Mučite me. Turn It Spet. Warlocks. Wet Sand. 21st Century.