Partiture $52.00
Filthy McNasty. Intermediate.Prevod
Umazani McNasty. Vmesna.Originalno
Filthy McNasty composed by Silver. Arranged by John LaBarbera. For jazz ensemble. Jazz Journey Series. Shuffle. Blues. Medium. Score and set of parts. Duration 5 minutes, 40 seconds. Published by Kendor Music Inc. KN.2960. In Horace Silver's own words, this sassy, bluesy shuffle with a bebop-style melody portrays "a mythical man of rather dubious character. " An alto, trumpet and trombone trio give the opening and closing presentations of the theme, and each of those players carries a full-length solo chorus in between. A sustained band chord with ad lib flourishes by the trio brings everything to a dramatic, satisfying close. Rhythm section parts are partially notated with chords cued. Duration 5. 40.Prevod
Umazani McNasty ga sestavljajo Silver. Uredil John LaBarbera. Za jazz ansambel. Jazz Journey Series. Naključno. Blues. Srednje. Rezultat in nastavite delov. Trajanje 5 minut in 40 sekund. Izdala Kendor Music Inc. KN.2960. V Horace Silver lastnimi besedami, ta simpatična bluesy shuffle z bebop-style melodijo prikazuje "mitsko moža precej dvomljivo značaja. "Alto, trobenta in pozavna trio dati odpiranju in zapiranju predstavitve na temo, in vsak od teh igralcev nosi celovečerni solo zbor med. Dolgotrajni pas struna z ad lib uspeva s triom prinaša vse, kar je v dramatičnem zaključku, ki izpolnjuje. Ritem sekcija deli so delno notated z akordi cued. Trajanje 5. 40.Največkrat iskano