
Partiture $65.00


Day In, Day Out. Frank Sinatra. Voice sheet music. Intermediate.


Dan za dnem. Frank Sinatra. Voice note. Vmesna.


Day In, Day Out by Frank Sinatra. Edited by Jon Harpin. Arranged by Billy May. For big band with vocal. Swing. Medium. Full score and set of parts. Published by Lush Life. JL.LL-2126. Frank Sinatra's chart of Day In Day Out was originally arranged by the late, great Billy May, and it has been lovingly transcribed for you here by Jon Harpin. This arrangement settles into a swinging groove right from the very first note, and stays there all the way. After the first couple of vocal choruses there is a beautifully conceived 32 measure instrumental passage, full of sectional interplay yet with plenty of space and freedom in the phrasings. The vocal then returns for the last chorus and wraps up the chart. The brass ranges are not that challenging, with lead Trumpet reaching top D and Trombone to Bb. The vocal key is Bb throughout, and there are no Sax doubles. Another fine Sinatra chart for your book.


Dan za dnem Frank Sinatra. Uredil Jon Harpin. Uredil Billy maja. Za big band z vokalno. Swing. Srednje. Polna rezultat in sklop delov. Izdala Lush življenja. JL.LL-2126. Grafikon Frank Sinatra je iz dneva v dan je bila prvotno urejena s pozno, veliki Billy maja, je bilo ljubeče prepisal zate Jon Harpin. Ta dogovor se usede v mahati žlebu desno od prve note, in tam ostane do konca. Po prvih nekaj pevskih zborov je lepo zamišljen 32 ukrep ključen odlomek, polna prereza medsebojnega še z veliko prostora in svobode v phrasings. Vokalna nato vrne v zadnjem zboru in obloge grafikon. Medenina obsegi niso tako zahtevna, z lead Trumpet dosegla najvišjo D in pozavno na Bb. Vokalna ključ je Bb skozi, in ni nobenih Sax dvojice. Še ena fina Sinatra graf za svojo knjigo.
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