
Partiture $65.00


My Kind Of Town. Frank Sinatra. Voice sheet music. Advanced.


My Kind Of Town. Frank Sinatra. Voice note. Napredno.


My Kind Of Town by Frank Sinatra. Edited by Jon Harpin. Arranged by Billy May. For big band with vocals. Swing. Medium-difficult. Full score and set of parts. Published by Lush Life. JL.LL-2092. This Jimmy Van Heusen. Sammy Cahn tune was originally written for the Rat-Packesque film 'Robin and the Seven Hoods'. Wonderfully melodic and visually exciting in concert, it was Sinatra's theme tune for some 15 years, his show-stopper and frequent show-ender. This version is transcribed from Billy May's version from Sinatra at the Sands with the Basie Band. It's all here - the creamy opening verse with the lush brass voicings leading into the punchy swing of the main vocal, with the successive modulations from F to G to Ab and the powerhouse modal riffs to finish. Guaranteed to be a winner in any concert or gig. The lead Alto doubles Flute, but other than this there are no Sax doubles. Swing @ 100, 80 & 180 b. Ranges. Trumpets 1-4. F6, E6, Bb5, G5 Trombones 1-4. C5, A4, A4, A4 Vocal keys. Ab Male Vocal G2 - F4. 13 steps.


My Kind Of Town Frank Sinatra. Uredil Jon Harpin. Uredil Billy maja. Za big band z vokalom. Swing. Srednje težko. Polna rezultat in sklop delov. Izdala Lush življenja. JL.LL-2092. Ta Jimmy Van Heusen. Sammy Cahn tune je bila prvotno napisana za Rat-Packesque filma "Robin in sedem Hoods". Čudovito melodično in vizualno vznemirljiv na koncertu, je bil Sinatra tema melodijo za nekaj 15 let, njegov show-zamaškom in pogosto show-Ender. Ta različica je prepisal od različice Billy majske od Sinatre na Sands s Basie Band. To je vse tukaj - kremasto odpiranje verz z bujnimi medenine voicings vodilnih v punchy zamahu glavni vokal, z zaporednimi modulacije iz F v G AB in Powerhouse modalne rifov, da dokončajo. Zagotovljeno, da bo zmagovalec v vsakem koncertu ali koncert. Svinec Alto podvoji piščal, vendar razen tega ni Sax dvojice. Swing @ 100, 80. Razponi. Trobente 1-4. F6, E6, BB5, G5 pozavne 1-4. C5, A4, A4, A4 Vokalna ključi. Ab Moški vokalni G2 - F4. 13 korakov.
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