Partiture $65.00
Saturday Night. Is The Loneliest Night Of The Week. Frank Sinatra. Voice sheet music. Advanced.
Saturday Night. Je osamljeni Night Of The Week. Frank Sinatra. Voice note. Napredno.
Saturday Night. Is The Loneliest Night Of The Week. by Frank Sinatra. Edited by John Ferguson. Arranged by Billy May. For big band with vocal. Swing. Difficult. Full score and set of parts. Published by Lush Life. JL.LL-2114. Sinatra recorded this song a number of times during his career, but the most swinging version was the Billy May arrangement that John Ferguson has transcribed here. In typical May style, it is punchy, crisp and offers a great balance between the vocal passages and some fine ensemble work. Not too long, at a shade over 2 minutes, this is a memorable chart and a must for all Sinatra lovers. There are no sax doubles in this chart and the vocal key is C. Trumpets 1-4. D6, D6, B5, G5 Trombones 1-4. A4, A4, E4, Eb4 Vocal key.
Saturday Night. Je osamljeni Night Of The Week. Frank Sinatra. Uredil John Ferguson. Uredil Billy maja. Za big band z vokalno. Swing. Težko. Polna rezultat in sklop delov. Izdala Lush življenja. JL.LL-2114. Sinatra zabeležili ta pesem nekajkrat v svoji karieri, vendar pa je najbolj mahati različica je bila ureditev Billy maja, da je John Ferguson sem prepisal. V značilnem slogu maja, je živahen, svež in ponuja odlično razmerje med vokalnih pasaž in nekaj fine ansambla dela. Ne predolgo, v senci več kot 2 minuti, to je nepozabno grafikon in morajo za vse ljubitelje Sinatra. Ni sax dvojic v tem grafu in vokalno ključ je C. trobente 1-4. D6, D6, B5, G5 pozavne 1-4. A4, A4, E4, EB4 Vokalna ključ.