Partiture $65.00
The Way You Look Tonight. Frank Sinatra. Voice sheet music. Intermediate.
Way You Look Tonight. Frank Sinatra. Voice note. Vmesna.
The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra. Edited by Myles Collins. Arranged by Nelson Riddle. For big band with vocal. Swing. Medium. Published by Lush Life. JL.LL-2354. This beautiful Jerome Kern song was recorded by Sinatra in 1964 on the Reprise label for the "Days Of Wine & Roses" album collaboration with Nelson Riddle. We have adapted the chart by removing the strings and orchestral woodwins, making it playable with a standard 5444 band. Sinatra's vocal line is written "as-sung" by the master. Also, we have faithfully reproduced the Riddle trademark open 6. 9 sax voicings, so that the chart has that real Riddle feel. We have even notated the correct articulations and dynamic changes on the parts, to make it easier for your band to give an authentic performance. There are no sax doubles and the vocal key is Eb modulating to E. Style. Swing @140 b. Ranges. Trumpets. 1-4. Eb6, C5, Bb5, G5Trombones. 1-4. B4, G#4, F#4, D4Vocal key. Eb-EVocal Range. C3 - E4. 10 steps as sung.
Way You Look Tonight Franka Sinatre. Uredil Myles Collins. Urejen Nelson Riddle. Za big band z vokalno. Swing. Srednje. Izdala Lush življenja. JL.LL-2354. Ta lepi Jerome Kern pesem je bil posnet s Sinatro leta 1964 na nalepki Repriza za "Dnevi vina. Smo prilagodili grafikon z odstranitvijo strune in orkestralnih woodwins, zaradi česar je mogoče predvajati s standardnim 5444 pasu. Vokalna Sinatra je linija je napisal "kot-sung", ki jo je mojster. Prav tako smo zvesto reproducirati Riddle blagovna znamka odpreti 6. 9 sax voicings, tako da ima diagram, ki pravi Riddle počutijo. Čeprav smo notated pravilne artikulacije in dinamične spremembe na dele, da bi bilo lažje za vaš bend, da bi verodostojno delovanje. Ni sax dvojice in vokalno ključ je Eb modulirajoči E. Style. Swing @ 140 b. Razponi. Trobente. 1-4. Eb6, C5, BB5, G5Trombones. 1-4. В4, Г. Eb-EVocal Razpon. C3 - E4. 10 korakov kot Sung.