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Frank Sinatra - More of His Best. Frank Sinatra. Voice sheet music. Piano sheet music.


Frank Sinatra - Bolj pogumno. Frank Sinatra. Voice note. Klavir note.


Frank Sinatra - More of His Best. Original Keys for Singers. By Frank Sinatra. For Voice. Vocal Piano. Softcover. 264 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.307081. ISBN 1423484142. 9x12 inches. 40 more timeless standards from Ol' Blue Eyes, all in their original keys. Includes. Almost like Being in Love. Cheek to Cheek. The Days of Wine and Roses. Fly Me to the Moon. I Could Write a Book. In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning. It Might as Well Be Spring. Luck Be a Lady. Old Devil Moon. Somebody Loves Me. When the World Was Young. and more. Lean Baby. All Of Me. The Good Life. Almost Like Being In Love. Somebody Loves Me. Only The Lonely. How Little We Know. Change Partners. Come Dance With Me. Don'cha Go 'Way Mad. Sleep Warm. Old Devil Moon. Cheek To Cheek. The Continental. Days Of Wine And Roses. Don't Worry 'Bout Me. The End Of A Love Affair. Fly Me to the Moon. In Other Words. I Concentrate On You. I Could Write A Book. I Hadn't Anyone Till You. I Love Paris. I'm Glad There Is You. In This World Of Ordinary People. In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning. Isle Of Capri. It Happened In Monterey. It Might As Well Be Spring. Luck Be A Lady. Moonlight Becomes You. Nice Work If You Can Get It. The Night We Called It A Day. Pocketful Of Miracles. River, Stay 'Way From My Door. Saturday Night. Is the Loneliest Night of the Week. Send in the Clowns. Swingin' Down The Lane. Wait Till You See Her. When The World Was Young. Yes Indeed. You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me.


Frank Sinatra - Bolj pogumno. Original Tipke za Singers. Frank Sinatra. Za Voice. Piano Vocal. Mehko prekrivalo. 264 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.307081. ISBN 1423484142. 9x12 cm. 40 več brezčasne standardi iz Ol 'Blue Eyes, vse v svojih originalnih ključev. Vključuje. Skoraj kot Biti v ljubezni. Lici. Dnevi vina in vrtnic. Fly Me to the Moon. Jaz bi lahko napisal knjigo. V zgodnjih jutranjih ur zjutraj. To bi tudi pomlad. Luck Be a Lady. Old Devil Moon. Nekdo Loves Me. Ko je bil svet Young. in bolj. Lean Baby. All Of Me. Dobro življenje. Almost Like Being In Love. Nekdo Loves Me. Samo Lonely. Kako malo vemo. Spremeni Partnerji. Come Dance With Me. Don'cha go "način Mad. Spati Warm. Old Devil Moon. Lici. Continental. Dnevi vina in vrtnic. Ne skrbite, "Bout Me. End Of Love Affair. Fly Me to the Moon. Z drugimi besedami:. Bom osredotočil na vas. Jaz bi lahko napisal knjigo. Jaz ne bi nikomur Till You. I Love Paris. Vesel sem, da There Is You. V tem svetu navadnih ljudi. V zgodnjih jutranjih ur zjutraj. Isle Of Capri. To se je zgodilo v Montereyu. To bi tudi pomlad. Luck Be Lady. Moonlight You Postane. Lepo delo, če ga lahko dobite. Noč smo Called It Day. Pocketful of Miracles. River, Stay "Way From My Door. Saturday Night. Je osamljeni Night of the Week. Pošlji v Clowns. Swingin 'Down Lane. Počakaj, da vidiš Her. Ko je bil svet Young. Ja res. Ste Getting Habit With Me.
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