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I Will Arise and Go to Jesus. Mark Hayes. Choir sheet music.


Vstal bom in šel k Jezusu. Mark Hayes. Zbor note.


I Will Arise and Go to Jesus arranged by Mark Hayes. For Choral. SATB. Shawnee Press. Choral, Arrangements, General Use, Orchestration, Funeral, Memorials and Sacred. 12 pages. Shawnee Press #A7579. Published by Shawnee Press. HL.35010311. Mark Hayes's incredibly lush harmonic writing creates vivid tone color in both melody and accompaniment adding new dimension to this beloved old hymn. “I Will Arise and Go to Jesus” is a favorite from Southern Harmony , and this fresh arrangement keeps the passion and sense of urgency of the original, while gaining even more expressiveness and emotion. With or without orchestration, this anthem is meant to be experienced.


Vstal bom in Pojdite k Jezusu urejen Mark Hayes. Za zborovsko. SATB. Shawnee Press. Zborovske, Dogovori, splošno uporabo, orkestracija, Funeral, spomenikov in Sacred. 12 strani. Шони Пресс-. Izdala Shawnee Press. HL.35010311. Neverjetno bujne harmonic pisanje Mark Hayes ustvarja žive barve tona tako melodijo in spremljavo dodaja novo dimenzijo v tem ljubljeno staro himno. "Bom Vstani in Pojdite k Jezusu« je najljubša iz južne harmonije, in to sveže dogovor ohranja strast in občutek nujnosti izvirnika, hkrati pa pridobivajo še več izraznost in čustva. Z ali brez orkestracijo, je to himna mišljeno, da bo doživela.
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