Partiture $50.00
The First Breath Of Spring. Ed Huckeby. Grade 2.Prevod
First Breath Of Spring. Ed Huckeby. Razred 2.Originalno
The First Breath Of Spring composed by Ed Huckeby. Concert band. Young Band. Command Series. Audio recording available separately. item CL.WFR369. Grade 2. Score and parts. Composed 2010. Duration 2 minutes, 36 seconds. Published by C.L. Barnhouse. CL.011-3973-00. Adapted from one of his most outstanding symphonic works, this selection showcases the beautiful lyrical style of Ed Huckeby in a feature for solo instrument with band accompaniment. This outstanding piece provides a great opportunity to showcase one of your outstanding musicians on a beautifully sensitive selection which is sure to be a hit with both musicians and audiences. The Barnhouse Command Series includes works at grade levels 2, 2.5, and 3. This series is designed for middle school and junior high school bands, as well as high school bands of smaller instrumentation or limited experience. Command Series publications have a slightly larger instrumentation than the Rising Band Series, and are typically of larger scope, duration, and musical content.Prevod
First Breath Of Spring ga sestavljajo Ed Huckeby. Koncert pas. Young Band. Command Series. Zvočni posnetek na voljo posebej. element CL.WFR369. Razred 2. Rezultat in deli. Sestavlja 2010. Trajanje 2 minut, 36 sekund. Izdala C.L. Barnhouse. CL.011-3973-00. Prirejeno po enem od svojih najbolj izstopajočih simfoničnih del, ta izbira vitrine lepo lirično stil Eda Huckeby v funkcijo za solistični instrument s pasu spremljavo. Ta izjemen kos nudi veliko priložnost za predstavitev enega od vaših izvrstni glasbeniki na lepo občutljivo izboru, ki je prepričan, da bo hit z glasbeniki in občinstvom. Command Series Barnhouse obsega dela na ravni razreda 2, 2,5 in 3. Ta serija je namenjena srednji šoli in srednji šoli pasovih, kakor tudi srednješolskih bendov manjše merilne naprave ali omejenih izkušenj. Command Series publikacije imajo nekoliko večji instrumentacijo kot vzhajajočega Band Series, in so navadno večji obseg, trajanje in glasbene vsebine.Največkrat iskano