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American Idiot - The Musical. Green Day. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music.
Ameriški Idiot - Musical. Green Day. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note.
American Idiot - The Musical by Green Day. For Guitar. Artist. Personality. Book. Guitar Personality. Guitar TAB. Guitar Recorded Version. Broadway. Softcover. Guitar tablature. 192 pages. Alfred Music #36158. Published by Alfred Music. HL.701772. ISBN 0739072021. With guitar tablature. Broadway. 9x12 inches. The guitar tab songbook of the critically acclaimed Broadway show, featuring four pages of full-color photographs and tab for all 22 songs. Titles. American Idiot. Jesus of Suburbia. Holiday. Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Favorite Son. St. Jimmy. Give Me Novacaine. Before the Lobotomy. Know Your Enemy. 21 Guns. Wake Me Up When September Ends. many more. Guitar Recorded Versions are note-for-note transcriptions of guitar music taken directly off recordings. This series, one of the most popular in print today, features some of the greatest guitar players and groups from blues, rock, and heavy metal. Guitar Recorded Versions are transcribed by the best transcribers in the business. Every book contains notes and tablature. Know Your Enemy. Homecoming. Holiday. Last Night On Earth. When It's Time. American Idiot. Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Wake Me up When September Ends. Letterbomb. Whatsername. Give Me Novacaine. She's a Rebel. 21 Guns. Jesus Of Suburbia. Jesus Of Suburbia. City Of The Damned. I Don't Care. Dearly Beloved. Tales Of Another. Last Of The American Girls. Are We the Waiting. St. Jimmy. BEFORE THE LOBOTOMY. Extraordinary Girl. Favorite Son. TOO MUCH TOO SOON.
Ameriški Idiot - Musical, ki jih Green Day. Za kitaro. Umetnik. Osebnost. Knjiga. Kitara Osebnost. Guitar TAB. Kitara Posneto Version. Broadway. Mehko prekrivalo. Guitar tablature. 192 strani. Альфред Музыка. Objavljeno Alfred Music. HL.701772. ISBN 0739072021. Z Guitar tablature. Broadway. 9x12 cm. Kartica pesmarica kitara kritično odobravanja Broadway show, ki vključuje štiri strani barvne fotografije in kartici za vseh 22 skladb. Naslovi. Ameriški Idiot. Jezus iz predmestja. Počitnice. Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Favorite Son. St Jimmy. Daj mi Novacaine. Pred lobotomijo. Know Your Enemy. 21 Guns. Wake Me Up When september Ends. veliko več. Kitara Posneti Različice so note-za-note prepisi kitarske glasbe, vzetega neposredno off posnetkov. Ta serija je ena izmed najbolj priljubljenih v tisku danes, ima nekaj največjih kitaristov in skupin, od bluesa, rocka in heavy metala. Guitar Posneti Različice so prepisane z najboljšimi prepisovalci v poslovnem. Vsaka knjiga vsebuje opombe in tablature. Know Your Enemy. Homecoming. Počitnice. Last Night On Earth. Ko je čas. Ameriški Idiot. Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Wake Me Up When september Ends. Letterbomb. Whatsername. Daj mi Novacaine. Ona je Rebel. 21 Guns. Jezus iz predmestja. Jezus iz predmestja. City Of The Damned. Me ne zanima. Predragi. Tales Of Drug. Last Of The American Girls. Ali smo Waiting. St Jimmy. PRED lobotomijo. Izredni dekle. Favorite Son. Preveč prezgodaj.