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The Best of Kiss for Bass Guitar. Kiss. Bass Guitar Tablature sheet music.


Best of poljub za bas kitaro. Poljub. Bass Guitar tablature notno.


The Best of Kiss for Bass Guitar by Kiss. For Bass. Bass Recorded Versions. Guitar tablature. 96 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.690080. ISBN 0793551862. With guitar tablature. 9x12 inches. Bass transcriptions with tab for 26 Kiss classics. Detroit Rock City. Deuce. Hard Luck Woman. I Was Made for Lovin' You. Lick It Up. Love Gun. Rock and Roll All Nite. Shock Me. Strutter. and more. On the heels of the success of Guitar Recorded Versions, Hal Leonard introduced Bass Recorded Versions. Finally, bass guitar players can keep up with their guitar counterparts with these off-the-record transcriptions expressly done for bass guitar. Each book contains notes and tablature. C'mon And Love Me. Calling Dr. Love. Christine Sixteen. Cold Gin. Detroit Rock City. Deuce. Firehouse. God Of Thunder. Hard Luck Woman. Heaven's On Fire. Hotter Than Hell. I Love It Loud. I Stole Your Love. I Was Made For Lovin' You. Lick It Up. Love Gun. Parasite. Rip It Out. Rock And Roll All Nite. Shock Me. Shout It Out Loud. Strutter. Tears Are Falling. She. Black Diamond. Creatures Of The Night.


Best of poljub za bas kitaro, ki ga poljub. Za Bass. Bass Posneti Različice. Guitar tablature. 96 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.690080. ISBN 0793551862. Z Guitar tablature. 9x12 cm. Bass prepisi s kartico za 26 Kiss klasiki. Detroit Rock City. Deuce. Hard Luck Woman. I Was Made for Lovin 'You. Polizati Up. Ljubezen Gun. Rock and Roll All Nite. Shock Me. Strutter. in bolj. Na petah uspeha Guitar knjiženimi Različice, Hal Leonard predstavil Bass Posneti različice. Končno, bas kitara igralcev držati korak s svojimi kitarskimi kolegi s temi off-the-zapis transkripcij izrecno stori za bas kitaro. Vsaka knjiga vsebuje opombe in tablature. C'mon In Love Me. Calling Dr ljubezen. Christine Sixteen. Cold Gin. Detroit Rock City. Deuce. Firehouse. God of Thunder. Hard Luck Woman. Heaven je On Fire. Bolj vroča kot Hell. I Love It Loud. I Stole Your Love. I je bila narejena za Lovin 'You. Polizati Up. Ljubezen Gun. Parasite. Ga oskubiti. Rock and Roll All Nite. Shock Me. To Shout Out Loud. Strutter. Tears Are Falling. Ona. Black Diamond. Creatures Of The Night.
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