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Tori Amos - American Doll Posse. Tori Amos. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music.


Tori Amos - Ameriški Doll Posse. Tori Amos. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Electric Guitar note.


Tori Amos - American Doll Posse. By Tori Amos. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Music Sales America. Rock. Pop Rock. Softcover. 136 pages. Music Sales #AM990825. Published by Music Sales. HL.14033840. ISBN 0825635675. Rock. Pop Rock. 9x12 inches. This is the matching folio to Tori Amos' sprawling and ambitious 9th studio album that debuted at at number five on the US charts, spawning the hit single “Big Wheel. ” Political and confrontational in nature, the songs on the album are presented from the viewpoint of five different characters that make up the “American doll posse” from the title. With over twenty tracks, this is an album brim-full of excellent art-pop, all testament to Amos' skill and longevity as a singer-songwriter and performer. Yo George. Big Wheel. Bouncing off Clouds. Teenage Hustling. Digital Ghost. You Can Bring Your Dog. Mr. Bad Man. Fat Slut. Girl Disappearing. Secret Spell. Devils and Gods. Body And Soul. Father's Son. Programmable Soda. Code Red. Roosterspur Bridge. Beauty of Speed. Almost Rosey. Velvet Revolution. Dark Side of the Sun. Posse Bonus. Smokey Joe. Dragon.


Tori Amos - Ameriški Doll Posse. Tori Amos, ki jih. Za klavir. Vocal. Kitara. Glasba prodaje America. Rock. Pop Rock. Mehko prekrivalo. 136 strani. Музыка по продажам. Izdala Music Sales. HL.14033840. ISBN 0825635675. Rock. Pop Rock. 9x12 cm. To je ujemanje folio za Tori Amos "obsežnem in ambicioznem 9. studijski album, ki je debitiral na na številko pet na ameriških lestvicah, drstenje z uspešnico" Big Wheel. "Politični in provokativno v naravi, pesmi na albumu so predstavljene z vidika pet različnih likov, ki tvorijo" ameriško lutko spremljevalce "iz naslova. Z več kot dvajset skladb, to je album Obod-polna odličnih art-pop, vse priča Amos 'spretnost in dolgoživost kot kantavtor in performer. Yo George. Big Wheel. Odbijajo oblaki. Teenage nadleguješ. Digital Ghost. Can You Bring Your Dog. G. Bad Man. Fat Slut. Dekle izginja. Secret Spell. Devils in Gods. Telo in duša. Očetov Sin. Programmable Soda. Code Red. Roosterspur Bridge. Beauty of Speed. Almost Rosey. Žametna revolucija. Dark Side of the Sun. Posse Bonus. Smokey Joe. Dragon.
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