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The Sacred Collection. Richard Walters. Voice sheet music.


Sacred Collection. Richard Walters. Voice note.


The Sacred Collection. The Vocal Library Low Voice. Arranged by Richard Walters. For Vocal. Vocal Collection. 312 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.740156. ISBN 0634030736. 9x12 inches. A huge collection of 70 sacred songs for classical singers, spanning an enormous range of literature, including art songs, traditional songs, classic Burleigh spiritual arrangements. experts on African-American spirituals contend they are for singers of all ethnic heritages. , and distinctive concert arrangements of hymns and folksongs by Richard Walters. There are five duets included. This collection will be as useful in the voice studio as in every working singer's repertoire and every church music library. Evening Prayer. E. Humperdinck. Agnus Dei. G. Bizet. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. J.S. Bach. All Creatures of Our God and King. duet. arr. R. Walters. Ave Maria. Bach. Gounod. Ave Maria. C. Franck. SCHUBERT - Ave Maria. Balm in Gilead. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Be Near Me Still. F. Hiller. Be Thou My Vision. arr. R. Walters. By an' By. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Come, Thou Fount of Ev'ry Blessing. arr. R. Walters. Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Crucifixus. J.B. Faure. Dank sei Dir, Herr. Thanks Be to God. S. Ochs, previously attributed to G.F. Handel. Deep River. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Don't You Weep When I'm Gone. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee. C. Gounod. Evening Hymn. H. Purcell. Go Down, Moses. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Go, Tell It on the Mountain. arr. H.T. Burleigh. He's Just the Same Today. arr. H.T. Burleigh. How Can I Keep from Singing. duet. arr. R. Walters. How Firm a Foundation. arr. R. Walters. I Don't Feel No-Ways Tired. arr. H.T. Burleigh. I Stood on the River of Jordan. arr. H.T. Burleigh. I Want to Be Ready. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Just a Closer Walk with Thee. arr. R. Walters. Let Us Break Bread Together. arr. R. Walters. Let Us Cheer the Weary Traveler. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Little David, Play on Your Harp. arr. H.T. Burleigh. My Lord, What a Mornin'. arr. H.T. Burleigh. My Way's Cloudy. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Now Thank We All Our God. arr. R. Walters. O Divine Redeemer. C. Gounod. Oh, Didn't It Rain. arr. H.T. Burleigh. O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing. arr. R. Walters. O Rocks, Don't Fall on Me. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Panis Angelicus. C. Franck. There Is a Green Hill Far Away. C. Gounod. This Is My Father's World. arr. R. Walters. Tis Me, O Lord. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Sinner, Please Don't Let This Harvest Pass. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Steal Away. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Wade in the Water. arr. H.T. Burleigh. We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder. duet. arr. R. Walters. Weepin' Mary. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Wondrous Love. duet. arr. R. Walters. You May Bury Me in the East. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Ah, Holy Jesus. Gospel Train, The. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Holy City, The. F.E. Weatherly and S. Adams. Palms, The. J.B. Faure. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty. arr. R. Walters. Bist du bei mir. You Are with Me. G.H. StÃlzel, previously attributed to J.S. Bach. By the Waters of Babylon. A. Dvorák. Clouds and Darkness. A. Dvorák. God Is My Shepherd. A. Dvorák. Hear My Prayer. A. Dvorák. Hear My Prayer, O Lord. A. Dvorák. He That Keepeth Israel. A. SchlÃsser. I Will Lift Mine Eyes. A. Dvorák. I Will Sing New Songs. A. Dvorák. Lord, Thou Art My Refuge. A. Dvorák. Turn Thee to Me. A. Dvorák. Sing Ye a Joyful Song. A. Dvorák.


Sacred Collection. Vokalna Knjižnica Low Voice. Uredil Richard Walters. Za vokalni. Vokalna Collection. 312 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.740156. ISBN 0634030736. 9x12 cm. Veliko zbirko 70 svetih pesmi klasičnih pevcev, ki zajema ogromen spekter literature, vključno umetnih pesmi, tradicionalnih pesmi, klasična Burleigh duhovnih dogovorov. strokovnjaki za afriško-ameriških spiritualov trdijo, da so za pevce vseh etničnih dediščine. in posebni koncertne priredbe ljudskih pesmi in hvalnice, ki jih Richard Walters. Obstaja pet duetov, vključene. Ta zbirka bo koristno v glasovno studiu kot v repertoarju vsak delovni pevca in vsako cerkev glasbeno knjižnico. Večerna molitev. E. Humperdinck. Agnus Dei. G. Bizet. Jesu, Joy of Man želji,. J.S. Bach. Vsa bitja našega Boga in kralja. duet. arr. R. Walters. Ave Maria. Brook. Gounod. Ave Maria. C. Franck. SCHUBERT - Ave Maria. Balzam v Gileadu. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Bodi ob meni Still. F. Hiller. Be Thou My Vision. arr. R. Walters. Z "Z. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Daj no, ti si izvir Ev'ry blagoslov. arr. R. Walters. Ni slišal nihče ne poženi. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Crucifixus. J.B. Faure. Hvala tebi, o Gospod. Hvala Bogu. S. Ochs, prej dodeljena G.F. Handel. Deep River. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Ni moj Lord Deliver Danielu. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Se ti ne jokajte Ko sem Gone. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Preklinjati me ne bi pustila!. C. Gounod. Evening Hymn. H. Purcell. Go Down, Moses. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Daj, povej to na Gori. arr. H.T. Burleigh. On je samo Same Danes. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Kako lahko hranite od petja. duet. arr. R. Walters. Kako trdno fundacije. arr. R. Walters. Ne počutim brez Ways Tired. arr. H.T. Burleigh. I Stood on the River of Jordan. arr. H.T. Burleigh. I Wanna Be Ready. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Samo Closer Walk with Thee. arr. R. Walters. Vzemimo Kruh Skupaj. arr. R. Walters. Naj nas Cheer utrujen popotnik. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Mali David, igrajo na vaš harfo. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Moj bog, kaj Jutro. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Moj način je oblačno. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Nihče ne ve Trouble sem videl. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Zdaj Hvala bogu, smo vse. arr. R. Walters. O Božanski odrešenik. C. Gounod. Oh, Ali ne dežuje. arr. H.T. Burleigh. O za tisoč Tongues pojejo. arr. R. Walters. O Rocks, ne sodijo na meni. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Panis Angelicus. C. Franck. There Is Green Hill Far Away. C. Gounod. To je svetovno očetova. arr. R. Walters. TIS Me, O Lord. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Sinner, prosim naj to ne Harvest Pass. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Včasih se počutim kot matere otroka. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Steal Away. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Wade in the Water. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Smo Plezanje Jakobova lestev. duet. arr. R. Walters. Weepin "Mary. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Prekrasen Ljubezen. duet. arr. R. Walters. Morda boste Me Bury na vzhodu. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Ah, Sveti Jezus. Evangelij Vlak,. arr. H.T. Burleigh. Holy City,. F.E. Weatherly in S. Adams. Palms,. J.B. Faure. Hvalite Gospoda, vsemogočnega. arr. R. Walters. Ali ste z menoj. Si z menoj. G.H. StÃlzel, prej pripisati J.S. Bach. , Ki jih je voda Babilon. A. Dvora ¡k. Oblaki in Darkness. A. Dvora ¡k. Bog je moj pastir. A. Dvora ¡k. Slišal mojo molitev. A. Dvora ¡k. Slišal mojo molitev, Gospod. A. Dvora ¡k. To je Keepeth Izrael. A. SchlÃsser. I Will Dvignite mojimi očmi. A. Dvora ¡k. Pel bom nove pesmi. A. Dvora ¡k. Gospod, ti si moje zatočišče. A. Dvora ¡k. Tebe obrnejo k meni. A. Dvora ¡k. Sing Ye radostni Song. A. Dvora ¡k.
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